Popular signs of determining the sex of a child

Attempts to determine the sex of a child during pregnancy is one of the most enjoyable and fascinating lessons for every future mother. Women for this use a variety of methods - refer to doctors, to acquaintances and to people's signs. People's signs of determining the sex of the child have been preserved in a huge variety to date. Some mothers blindly trust them, others - read with interest, but do not attach much importance. Nevertheless, no one disputes that to determine the sex of the child by the signs for pregnant women is an excellent alternative to the modern method of ultrasound, though not always giving a reliable result.

How to know the gender of the child by the signs?

Folk signs people have collected over the years. They were recorded and made oral. In different parts of our country there were people's signs of determining the sex of the child. Over time, signs were supplemented and changed. Those of them that have survived to date, do not guarantee 100% certainty. Nevertheless, many future mothers argue that it was they who managed to find out the sex of the future child precisely by the people's signs.

The most popular folk signs of determining the sex of the child:

  1. Acute abdomen in pregnant - there will be a boy, round and vague - a girl.
  2. The kid more often beats mom in the liver area - there will be a girl, in the bladder - a boy.
  3. Severe toxicosis in early pregnancy - there will be a boy, a weak or complete absence - a girl.
  4. The future mother pulls on sharp and salty - the boy, fruit and sweets - the girl.
  5. The amount of hair on the legs increased, and their growth increased - a boy, unchanged - a girl.
  6. The future mother often freezes during pregnancy - there will be a boy, more often feels stuffy - a girl.
  7. Constantly the icy feet of a pregnant woman - wait for the boy.
  8. The pregnant woman began to look worse, has grown brown - means, there will be a girl, has become prettier - the boy.
  9. The presence of edema on the face and pigment spots in the pregnant woman is a girl.
  10. Pregnant prefers to sleep on the left side - there will be a boy, on the right - a girl.
  11. Father bald - prepare for the appearance of the boy.
  12. If a pregnant woman prefers to eat bread crusts with food - there will be a boy, a crumb - a girl.
  13. Edema on the legs during pregnancy is a boy.
  14. If the skin on your hands dries and cracks during pregnancy - wait for the boy.
  15. Pregnant lot and often eats - a boy.
  16. If the pregnant woman has often stumbled - there will be a boy if the gait has become more graceful - a girl.

In addition to the above mentioned signs, there is a very popular way to determine the sex of the unborn child with the help of an engagement ring. The wedding ring must be worn on a chain and hang over the abdomen of a lying pregnant woman. If the ring begins to describe the circles - there will be a girl if she starts to swing like a pendulum from side to side - there will be a boy.

Ask a pregnant woman to take the key from the table. If she takes the key for the carving - there will be a girl, if for the rounded part - a boy, in the middle - twins.

Ask a pregnant woman to stretch out her arms. If she holds her palms up - there will be a girl, if downwards - a boy.

People's signs of determining the sex of the unborn child is an exciting activity that allows the pregnant woman not only to know the sex, but also to relax and relax. And it is known that a good rest is the best cure for stress and irritability, especially for expectant mothers.