Blue color in psychology

The blue color in human psychology has always been a symbol of harmony and purity of mind, noble aristocracy, absolutely devoid of hint of arrogance and snobbery. Fans of this mixture of blue and white are always at a higher level of spiritual development than adherents of other colors. This is connected primarily with the color of the sky and the depths of the sea, looking at which, any person experiences an irresistible craving for a beautiful and infinite space that calls to completely dissolve into itself and merge with some eternal truth, from which we all once came out and sooner or later must return.

Calm! .. Only calm!

The value of blue in psychology, in fact, has long been appreciated, especially by specialists in color therapy, in which it is used to eliminate a whole range of problems associated with the transferred stress and restore the fragile balance of mental harmony. Contemplation of the blue background leads to the order of thought, helps to cope with anger and develop self-control skills. Referring to cold shades, it is able to cool manifestations of quick temper and direct the conflicting parties into the channel of reconciliation. This fact, by the way, is well known in the sphere of high politics and business, where, as we know, any, even the most seemingly insignificant, part can influence the decision-making.

Not regretting anything

People who dress in blue clothes can be trusted without hesitation. They are honest and decent, they have high notions of morality and an increased sense of responsibility. As a rule, being well-educated, they, nevertheless, do not seek to expose their knowledge for show and absolutely do not brag about the respectable position in their social environment that they occupy, so it is quite easy to communicate with them. Among other things, the prevalence of blue in clothing psychology treats as a man's desire for constant self-improvement and the search for answers to questions far removed from daily vanity and petty way of life.

Domination in the interior design of blue color, the importance in psychology of which, always more correlated with the male beginning, gives the owner of the room the ability to reason sensibly in any, even the most difficult situations and quickly make the right decisions. By the way, such people rarely regret the past, they have a certain share of fatalism and they usually look with optimism at the future, not blaming anyone for their mistakes.

Complicated in simple

Psychology of blue color has a simple and complex structure. On the one hand, there is an obvious positive the influence of this shade of the rainbow spectrum on the human psyche, but on the other - in all things it is necessary to observe the measure and if the personal temperament of a particular individual refers to a cold phlegmatic or melancholic type, the search in a mix of blue and white can only deepen depressive states if a person is exposed to it .

However, it is undeniable that the blue color in psychology of color occupies one of the avant-garde positions from the point of view of a positive influence on the general mental and psychological state of a person, contributing to a comfortable and harmonious perception of the world around us.