Immaculate Conception

Such a phenomenon as virgin birth is a rarity these days. That's why a large number of female representatives do not believe in such a phenomenon. However, to date, 16 cases of the Immaculate Conception have been recorded worldwide. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and try to figure out how this happens, under what conditions it is possible, and what the term "virgin birth" generally means.

What confirms the possibility of immaculate conception in humans?

As is known, according to one theory, monkeys are the ancestors of man, i.e. therefore people belong to the animal kingdom. And in the animal world, such a phenomenon as parthenogenesis (the scientific name of the Immaculate Conception) is not uncommon. In this way, individual species of lizards and even birds, a large number of invertebrate organisms can reproduce without difficulty. All this in theory confirms the possibility of the appearance of the Immaculate Conception in our day.

Confirmation of such a phenomenon as virgin birth can be real cases of life. As one of these you can consider the pregnancy of an Englishwoman Sarah Fry. According to the woman herself at her thirteenth birthday, she was still virginly pure. Everything in her life evolved quite simply up to a certain point. After a trip to work in Southeast Asia, Sarah suddenly encountered such a problem as a malfunction of the menstrual cycle . But so she thought, until she visited the gynecologist, who after the examination concluded that the woman was pregnant. Many scientists became interested in this phenomenon, who after long researches concluded that the fault of the immaculate conception was the food that a woman used while on a long journey.

How does the virgin birth take place?

With this phenomenon, the 23 chromosomes contained in the mature egg begin to divide independently, resulting in the formation of 46. After this, the egg begins to crumble, eventually becoming an embryo. It is worth noting that in such cases, the birth of a child is possible only for the female; the necessary Y-chromosome in the female body is not present.

What is the main reason for the virgin conception of scientists?

In the study of women who gave birth to a child without the participation of men, it was found that the blame for this miracle is a bacterium, the presence of which was often observed in the body of insects. Once in the body of a person, her vital activity leads to the fact that the egg that has matured as a result of the menstrual cycle suddenly starts to share itself.

Also among scientists, the opinion was formed that the activator of this bacterium is an increase in the temperature of the environment (for example, visiting a sauna or a sauna). However, this fact is not confirmed, but is only a scientific assumption.

Speaking about whether it is possible to conceive immaculately, it should be noted that most scientists refuse to recognize this fact, referring to the dishonesty of the women themselves. After all, the presence of a whole hymen to a woman, far from means that she is virgin and never had sexual intercourse. After all, often during sexual intercourse, defloration does not occur, i.e. the spit remains intact, and the male sex cells penetrate the uterus through the holes available in the trunk itself.

In addition, conception is also possible with anal sex, when the sperm flows into the vagina, and penetrates into the reproductive organs.

Thus, the virgin birth today raises many doubts among modern doctors, who for the most part refuse to believe in this phenomenon, despite the presence of real, recorded facts around the world.