Portable gas heater

For people who like to go hiking, hunting or fishing, a portable gas heater for the tent will be very relevant. After all, even being among the forests, a person wants warmth and comfort. What this device represents is described in this article.

Principle of operation of a portable gas heater

A case of such a device is made of a metal alloy with a small content of cast iron. It consists of a closed combustion chamber, a fuel tank, a heat transfer surface, and adjusting levers.

Their advantages include small size and weight, safety, quietness, mobility and simple operation. Among the shortcomings are low power and a limited supply of fuel.

Existing models of portable gas heater differ in their design, the principle of burning fuel, power and type of ignition. All this must be taken into account when choosing such a device.

Types of portable gas heaters

By the type of connection of the cylinder and the burner, they are divided into:

According to the principle of fuel combustion portable gas heaters are infrared (with a metal or ceramic burner ) and catalytic.

The peculiarity of infrared heaters is the directivity of heating. This is due to the fact that the heat formed as a result of combustion, is converted into infrared radiation, which is transmitted to a person. Infrared heaters with a ceramic burner are more efficient than conventional heaters.

In catalytic models, heat generation occurs as a result of a chemical reaction, so that no combustion products in the room accumulate. Such portable heaters can be used even for cars.