Scraper for glass-ceramic plates

To date, you can buy several types of electric cookers. They differ at once in several indicators:

And, of course, the type of cooker depends on how much care it takes. In this article you will get acquainted with a special tool for cleaning a plate with a glass-ceramic working surface - a scraper.

The scraper for cleaning glass ceramics consists of the following elements:

Most often, additional blades are supplied with the scraper for cleaning glass-ceramics to replace the already blunted ones.

Scrapers with a plastic holder and a fixed blade have a shorter service life than models with a steel handle and a retractable blade.

Why it is necessary to use a scraper for plates from glass ceramics?

In the process of cooking, even the most neat hostess can splash soup or compote. This will lead to the fact that on the stove will remain greasy or sweet spots. To remove such stains, in no case should you use hard jaws, any metal objects (iron wool, knives, brushes) and abrasive detergents.

To effectively clean the glass-ceramic working surface of the plate and prevent the formation of small scratches on it, it is recommended to use just such a special scraper for glass ceramics.

How to use a scraper for glass ceramic plates?

To remove dirt from the glass-ceramic surface it is necessary:

  1. Apply to a clean soft cloth a special cleaner for glass ceramics and wipe the entire surface of the plate.
  2. Allow time to dry the applied agent.
  3. You can start scratching. For this, the scraper must be placed at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the plate and do the cleaning movements back and forth.
  4. After finishing the cleaning, wipe the plate with a clean soft sponge.

If the process of cleansing from dirt takes a long time and for this you need to make efforts, it means that either the blade is blunted and you need to replace it, or you do not hold the scraper correctly.

With proper use, such a scraper will quickly remove the burnt food residue, melted plastic, etc.

Helpful Tips

To facilitate the process of cleaning and cleaning the slab from accumulated dirt, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. It is necessary to clean off the burnt sugar immediately, until the cooker has completely cooled down.
  2. On a very hard and old spot, apply olive oil or cover with a damp sponge for 10 minutes - this will make it softer and facilitate cleaning.
  3. Very stable spots should be treated first with a watery paste of baking soda, let stand and, without waiting for a full dry, clean the stove from the stain, and then remove dirt and soda residue with a soft cloth. If this does not work, then repeat the procedure by adding lemon juice to the soda paste, and leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Regularly clean the plate with cleaning agents designed specifically for glass ceramics, this contributes to the formation of a protective film.
  5. For a better cleaning of the stains, it is necessary to heat the working surface slightly.

Using a special scraper to care for the glass ceramic plate, you will keep it in perfect condition for a longer time.