Planting clematis in spring

Among the perennial plants for vertical planting, clematis is very popular, which pleases with an abundance of shapes, sizes and colors of its flowers. To date, there are more than 300 varieties.

In the article, you will learn how to properly plant clematis in the spring, and what kind of care is needed in the future.

Before you start planting clematis in the spring, you must prepare the soil in advance and purchase planting material.

Choice of a place and preparation of pits for planting clematis

Clematis is a thermophilic and hygrophilous plant, but does not like stagnation of water, prefers loamy and humus-rich drained soils. Therefore, for its landing, choose sunny places with protection from the wind, but not near the walls and fences, because there the land is usually over-dried. In one place, clematis can grow to 20 years, so care must be taken to feed the plant when planting.

Planting holes are prepared in advance, starting from autumn, while warm weather is standing. In the spring, when it will be necessary to plant clematis, the soil will already settle well. The pits are sized 60x60x60 cm, observing the distance between the plants from 1 to 1.5 m. Remove the top layer of soil and add to it:

This mixture is mixed well. From the pit, remove the infertile layer, make a drainage of 10-15 cm of the gravel bed and fall asleep on half of the resulting enriched fertile soil.

Cultivation of clematis seedlings

There are several ways to grow clematis for planting: from seeds, cuttings, bush dividing and layering.

Seeds are used to plant, mainly, small-colored clematis. To obtain seedlings in the spring, the seeds are stratified and, mixed with moist sand, are put in a room with a temperature of 3-5 ° C for 3 months. In early May, they are sown in soil mix from 1 part of sand and 2 parts of sod land, sprinkled with sand and rolled. Only after 1.5-2 months there will be shoots. Next, the seedlings are regularly watered from the atomizer and weed. When 2-3 leaves are formed, seedlings are transplanted according to the scheme of 5x5 cm. Then the rows between the rows are loosened and mulched, and the plants are pritenyayut.

During the period of budding, clematis cuts green cuttings up to 8 cm long. If their lower part is treated with a growth stimulant, then within 25 days they will take root.

The most common method of reproduction, as well as rejuvenation, clematis - is the division of the bush. In spring, after thawing the soil, a liana with a large number of shoots up to 5 years old is selected, carefully excavated with a clod of earth and divided into several parts, each of which will have 2-3 shoots and roots.

Clematis planting and spring care

Clematis with a closed root system are planted in spring and autumn. Spring planting is more characteristic for northern regions, and also, if the seedling has an open root system.

At the end of April or in May, in the center of a half-filled pit, a support is installed, preferably removable, about 2 m in height. The roots of the plant are soaked for 2 hours in cold water with the addition of a root growth stimulator. At the bottom of the pit is a mound, on which a clematis seedling is planted, the roots are evenly spread. They are covered with earth so that the end neck and stems are closed for 5-10 cm or until the first internode. This is done so that clematis well bush and calmly tolerate frost. Large seedlings must be planted deeper, plants up to 2 years - to a depth of up to 12 cm, and older - up to 18 cm.

When spring planting in the hole should remain about 8 cm of free space. Then around the plant is a hole, watered 10-12 liters of water and mulched peat. After each watering, add to the hole fertile ground. Gradually, the shoots will be wooded, and the space left will be filled with earth.

Further care for clematis in the first year consists of such activities:

Knowing how to plant clematis in the spring, and also what care must be taken to maintain it, you can enjoy its abundant and beautiful flowering for 3-4 years already.