The jaw hurts near the ear

Complaints about the pain in the jaw near the ear of dentists are very familiar. They appear suddenly and, as a rule, are accompanied by a loud crunchy sound. The reasons for their occurrence are different. And some of them can pose a real threat to health.

Why can the jaw ache near the ear while chewing?

Pain in the jaw is just a symptom, not an independent disease. And the following factors can cause it:

  1. The simplest cause of unpleasant sensations is trauma. Because of a severe blow to the head area, the integrity of the facial bone is often violated. In addition to pain, with the appearance of edema, hemorrhages are observed.
  2. Do not be surprised why they have a jaw near the ear, people wearing braces or dentures. And if in the first case, soreness is a sign of recovery, then in the second case, when it appears, it is desirable to appear to a specialist as soon as possible.
  3. Teething wisdom tooth is almost always accompanied by some problems. Sometimes it's a pain in the jaw.
  4. A serious cause is jaw osteomyelitis . The disease extends to all the elements of bone tissue. It appears as a result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated into the root canals.
  5. To hurt the jaw near the ear can and because of neuralgia. It affects the glossopharyngeal, trigeminal or guttural nerves.
  6. Odontogenic pain in the ear often becomes a consequence of such dental diseases as caries or pulpitis. At night, discomfort usually intensifies.
  7. Burning in the jaw is a sign of arteritis.
  8. Pain sensations in the jaw near the ear when chewing and opening the mouth may indicate dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. The problem is necessarily accompanied by loud clicks with each movement of the jaw.
  9. One of the most terrible causes is tumors, good and malignant. Characteristic a symptom of oncology - the appearance of swelling in the cheekbones.
  10. The jaw can also ache due to the formation of furuncles, fistulas, abscesses and phlegmon in it.

What to do if the jaw hurts near the ear?

Do not ignore unpleasant sensations! If the cause is traumatic, it may be necessary to correct the jaw, and in particularly difficult cases - even surgery.

Relieve the condition and relieve the pain temporarily help tincture from the mother-and-stepmother. And of course, at the time of treatment will have to give up hard and tough food.