Late blight of tomatoes

Tomatoes in our country are grown by almost everyone who has at least the smallest piece of land. After all, who does not like to eat in summer a fresh juicy vegetable, and in winter - salted tomatoes . However, many truck farmers in the cultivation of tomatoes often face the fact that vegetables are attacked by various parasites and diseases. One of the most common diseases of tomatoes is phytophthora - a fungal disease of plants, which is caused by the pathogenic fungus Phytophthora infestans.

Initially, late blight is manifested by watery spots on tomato leaves, which subsequently dry up and assume a brown color. A white coating appears on the back of the leaves, which is the spore of the fungus. It should be noted that the development of tomato disease occurs quite rapidly and the spots appearing on leaves quickly spread throughout the plant. Favorable conditions for the development of this disease of tomatoes is considered high humidity at a relatively low temperature of the air. And to defeat late blight can both seedlings of tomatoes, and adult plants.

How to protect tomatoes from late blight?

In order for tomatoes to resist this harmful disease, the gardener is required to carry out the necessary prevention of late blight at all stages of growing tomatoes.

First of all, do not forget that the plant remains of tomatoes left after harvesting, can retain the controversy of this fungus. Therefore, the entire tops must be collected and burned. In addition, the fungus remains in the ground and can live there for centuries, so getting rid of late blight can only help the full processing of the ground before planting.

You should also make sure that the tomatoes get the most lighted beds. If the sun's rays are in sufficient quantities to get on the plant, then the surface of the fruits and leaves will quickly warm up and dry, preventing germination of spores. At the same time, their neighbors in the beds can be onions, garlic, cabbage, beans, lettuce, radish, but in no case peas, dill, cucumbers or potatoes.

Another preventive method aimed at us is to increase the immunity of plants and increase resistance to phytophthora, it is considered the top dressing of tomatoes during the ripening of fruits with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. In addition, scientists recommend carrying out phytophthora preventive spraying with drugs fungicidal action, among which isolated contact and system fungicides. It should be noted that many experienced truck farmers prefer to select tomato seeds for hybrid varieties that are considered to be the most resistant to late blight, or early ripening varieties that mature before the disease comes.

How to deal with late blight of tomatoes?

At the first stage of the fight against late blight of tomatoes, it is necessary to slow the development of infection. This is possible if the timely removal of infected leaves and fruits, inspecting the plant in the morning and evening. However, when removing diseased leaves, there is the risk of infection on healthy plants, so it is best to do this with a knife.

As for the treatment of tomato late blight, it is carried out by spraying plants with contact fungicides. Remedies for bluetooth help the means containing copper: Bordeaux liquid, cuproxate, copper oxychloride, etc. In order to reduce the number of chemical treatments harmful to humans, one should not forget about biological methods of protection. These include: trichodermine, phytosporin and other preparations containing living bacteria and fungi that are capable of destroying and inhibiting the development of pathogenic fungi.