Modified products

GMO is an abbreviation that stands for genetically modified organism, or, more simply, modified products. It is known that in a number of countries they are banned, while in others they are quietly sold on the shelves of stores. Consider what products may contain a mutation, and also find out whether it is dangerous.

Genetically modified food products

At the state level, some individual genetic changes were allowed. The list of products that officially can contain GMOs, these days is small: corn , soy, sugar beet, potatoes, rapeseed and some more. The only problem is that their components can be used in a large number of products, because not only chips are obtained from potatoes, but also starch, which is put into yoghurts, and sugar is found in any sweetness.

Thus, only by eating natural products bought from a farm, you do not have to worry about your health. The greatest danger is represented by products that include different E000 (instead of 000 there may be different numbers). In the manufacture of dyes, flavors, stabilizers and other "chemicals" are constantly used "dangerous" products.

Safety of genetically modified foods

In the recent past, scientists believed that this discovery would save the world, and now they are talking about how it would not ruin it. The opinions of the researchers differ in this regard: some say that it is harmless, others lead to the example of laboratory rats, in which after a systematic nourishment such products began to develop pathologies. At the moment, the question of the harmlessness of modified foods is still open.