Spurge trihedral

Triangular spurge is often confused with one of the species of cacti , illegally classifying it as their family. Though the native land of the milkworms, like cacti, is found in the deserts of Africa, they are probably not connected with each other.

Euphorbia trihedral is a house plant - it is grown in large flowerpots, as the plant grows very quickly and under favorable conditions it can very soon rip into the ceiling of your house.

However, favorable conditions for this plant - it's just a lot of light and a mild watering. Also, it is not superfluous to ensure a regular influx of fresh air. If the spurge has grown too high, you can trim its top - it will direct the growth energy into the lateral branches. Cut off the top can not be thrown away, but rooted in sandy soil.

Reproduction and care of milk is trihedral

Propagation trihedral jelly by cuttings. The easiest way is to break off the trunks of the "children", dry them for several hours, then plug them into the wet sand and cover with a hood. Roots they will give soon enough, after which you can safely transplant the spurge into a separate pot.

To spurge trihedral developed and grew more actively, it is necessary to transplant from time to time into a larger vase. Each next transplant should be made only after the full filling of the previous container with the roots of the plant.

For transplantation, it is necessary to take soil for succulents, although the universal primer is also suitable. At the bottom of the flowerpot necessarily lining the drainage - a layer of special stones. This is necessary for better ventilation of the roots.

Caring for this plant is very, very simple. Put it on a brightly sunlit window sill, preferably on the south side of the house, ensure its watering 2-3 times a week and periodically open the window for ventilation - and your spurgeon will not make you wait long, quickly developing and giving a significant increase.

Do not forget that all kinds of milk are poisonous. To be more precise, they poison their juice. It is allocated in case of damage to branches and trunk. Accordingly, you should avoid their damage and getting the juice on your skin. Knowledgeable people usually care for a flower in gloves. And if the juice still fell on the hands or other part of the open skin, it should be carefully washed off with water.

The triangular spurge is considered to be a fine ornamental plant. It will perfectly decorate any interior, present a sense of exoticism and bring into the house an element of primitive nature. However, it does not require much attention and effort, due to which many fans of domestic plants choose it.