Red beetroot

Beets are a plant that everyone knows. Since childhood we have been eating vinaigrette and herring under a fur coat. Do you know that red beets contain a lot of vitamins that strengthen our capillaries and reduce the fragility of blood vessels?

Still in the beet contains a substance such as pectin. It removes radionuclides and heavy toxic metals from our body. Also in the red beet there are mineral components, without which our body can not function fully. These are sulfur, manganese, magnesium, iron, sodium, etc.

It turns out that the beet is not only delicious, but also very useful.

The best varieties of red beets

The yield of beets depends not only on the way of cultivation and care, but also on the variety. All varieties of red beets are not listed, and what sorts are considered the best, try to figure it out.

Among the early varieties good are considered:

Varieties for those who do not like to thin out (sprout with only one sprout):

If you need varieties for podzimnego sowing, then take a closer look at "Podzimni A-474", "Cold-resistant 19", as well as the early grade "Bordeaux 237".

A very delicious and fruitful hybrid is the "Cylinder" . By the way, you should not try to collect the seeds of this variety on your own - it will not work, because in this case varietal signs are often lost.

Growing red beets

How to plant, and then grow red beets? Beetroot is a moisture-loving plant, still loves light and warmth. In accordance with this, we are looking for a suitable place on the site.

In order for seeds to ascend faster, they must be soaked in a solution: 1 liter. water + 1 tbsp. a spoon of ashes for 5 days. Further in the loose, furry earth we make furrows at a distance of half a meter from each other. Lightly moisturize and sow our seeds. Sprinkle the earth no deeper than 3 cm. Do not forget - in order to sow beets, it is necessary that the temperature of the earth is not less than 10 degrees.

When the beet sprout and it will form 4 sheets, you can make the first thinning. Leave about 5 cm between the plants. And here already during the second thinning we leave 10 cm.

During the growing season, the beets will need to be watered 6 times, approximately 6 liters of water per 1 m2. After watering we loosen rows and mulch.

Top dressing should be done two times. After the first thinning in the aisle we make a feeding: for 1 m & sup2 ammonium nitrate - 5 g, superphosphate - 10 g and potassium chloride - 10 g. And the second feeding should be done when the leaves of one row close with the leaves of the other row. Here only the dosage of fertilizers needs to be increased 1.5 times.