Prayer to Elijah the Prophet for Help

Ilya is a biblical prophet, through whom God transmitted messages for people. Believers venerate him on August 2 and pray before the icon of Elijah the Prophet, who helps in various problems. Even during his life for his righteous life, the Lord granted him the gift of working miracles, which enabled Ilya to predict the future, to bring the dead back to life and help the poor. According to the existing information, the Prophet was still taken alive to heaven and the clergy say that Ilya will come to earth before the new coming of God.

Prayer to Elijah the Prophet for Help

St. Elijah was always revered as a miracle-worker who can control the forces of nature and above all thunder, lightning and rain. That's why usually on August 2 the weather changes from the heat to the rain . People have been respected since ancient times and even afraid of Ilya, because he can punish sinners. The Slavs turn to the prophet to send a blessing to the cultivation of lands and a good harvest. Prayers to Saint Elijah the Prophet can be read about the successful outcome of any case, about improving one's own financial situation, and about healing from various ailments. Young and single girls turned to Saint Ilya, so that he helped to establish a personal life and find a worthy companion of life.

Prayer of St. Elijah the Prophet

You can contact the saint at any time and in any place. If possible, then go to church and put a candle near the image of the Prophet, bow, cross, and then read the prayer. You can turn to Elijah the Prophet while you are at home. Best of all, if you see before the eyes of the icon of the saint, which can be purchased at the church shop. Next to the icon it is recommended to light the candle and concentrate on your desire, so that nothing would interfere. You can start with the prayer "Our Father", and then, already read the words intended for Elijah the Prophet:

"O, the glorious and pathetic prophet of God, Elijah, shining on your land with your angelic life, the most ardent jealousy of God in the Lord, the Almighty, even signs and wonders of glorious ones, as well, at the extreme pleasure of God's favor, unnaturally admired in the fiery chariot from your flesh to Heaven, spodoblinshiysya conversing with the Redeemed on the Tabor of the world, and now in the paradise villages constantly abide and stand before the Throne of the Heavenly King! Hear us, sinful and indecent (names), in the hour of this coming before your holy icon and zealously resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Man-loving God, let him give us the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins and with his almighty blessing and help us to abandon the paths of wickedness, but in every work of blessedness; May He strengthen us in the struggle against our passions and lusts; let our heart of humility and mildness enter into our hearts, the spirit of brotherliness and mildness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of our neighbors. Abolish the customs of the world with your prayers, prophesy, evil, even the pernicious and pernicious spirit of this age, infecting the Christian race with contempt for the Divine Orthodox faith, for the charter of the Holy Church and for the commandment of the Lord, for not reading to the parent and holding those who hold it, and throwing people into the abyss of wickedness , corruption and perdition. Turn away from us, prophetically prophesy, your representation, the righteous wrath of God, and deliver all the hailstones and weights of our Fatherland from ravage and fatigue, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from invasion of enemies and internecine warfare. Strengthen your prayers, glorious and prescient of our power in a glorious and difficult labor of the people's government, bestow on them in all the good deeds and endeavors to establish peace and truth in our country. Befriend the Christ-loving hosts in wars with our enemies. Ask God's prophet, from the Lord our shepherd, holy zeal for the Boz, cordial care for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and fortress in temptations, judge the judges for impartiality and unselfishness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, all commanding care for subordinates, mercy and justice, subordinates obedience and obedience to the authorities and diligent performance of their duties; Yes, in peace and piety in this world, we will be honored with the sacrament of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, honor and worship with the unchanging Father and Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen".

The candle is best left to completely burn out. After the desired will come true, it is necessary to turn to the saint with words of gratitude. In this case, you do not need to read a prayer and you can say everything in your own words.

Prayer to Elijah the Prophet about the money

To improve your financial situation, you can conduct a simple ritual on this day, after reading a prayer-conspiracy. It is believed that if properly conducted, then a person will never need money. It is necessary to take a coin worth 5 cents. Throw a coin on the floor and say these words:

"Ilya is generous, be generous,

Suffice and wealth for my kind of gift, noted portal

I have a nickle undivided,

Let that nickle will give me not one ten,

Your tens do me money.

Poverty and misfortune, Perem Thunderer,

And Ilya the Prophet brought luck and luck to my family.


The conjured five must be kept in his house, putting it on any bill. As a result, a certain magnet is produced that will attract financial well-being to the family.