Pregnancy 39 - 40 weeks

When the gestation period reaches 39 weeks, the child is already hard to be in the womb. After all the kid has filled already all cavity of a uterus and to it there is no place to turn around, besides, there it is also dark. Chad wants to get out as soon as possible "to freedom" to take a breath of fresh air and look around.

Just because your baby is already trying to get out, unusual sensations appear on the 39th-40th week of pregnancy. This may indicate an impending birth. It's just that at this time the baby drops lower into the pelvis, as a result of which the bottom of the uterus also falls, it becomes softer. As a rule, the following symptoms may appear on prenatal days:

Of course, these symptoms are not always an accurate bell for the onset of labor, but nevertheless, at such a late time it is worthwhile to be very alert.

Wiggling of a baby during pregnancy at 39 - 40 weeks

For the first time the child lets know about himself, somewhere from 20-22 weeks. He is active throughout the term, sometimes more, sometimes less. The kid flips over, moves his legs and arms, hiccups, yawns and breathes. All this mom can feel. But already closer to the fortieth week, the baby begins to show a little less emotional, because there is not enough room for "games". He hardly has enough space to get comfortable and wait for the onset of labor.

Usually at such a time the baby begins to sleep with his mother, instead of indulging in the same way as before: doing everything around the house, walking outside, watching TV, sitting like a mouse, but just lie down and close your eyes, like a naughty boy wakes up playing appetite and he somersaults in his stomach as soon as he wants.

A normal amount of fetal movement after 32 weeks of pregnancy is considered to be at least ten for six hours. If you observe the activity of the baby for twelve hours, then their number should be at least 24. If the baby has become too calm and the necessary number of movements is impossible, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

Allocations at 39 to 40 weeks of gestation

Usually throughout the duration of pregnancy, vaginal discharge is abundant, sometimes white and thick. Norms are those that do not have an unpleasant odor and unusual color: yellowish, slightly green, brown or cream. The appearance of "colored" secretions is always a beacon for infectious diseases, which must be urgently treated.

But when discharges with a trace of blood appear already at 39 or 40 weeks, then you should not worry. This means that it's time to collect all the necessary supplies and be ready to go to the hospital. Sometimes before the appearance of such secretions in a couple of weeks, training fights may appear that prepare the uterus for childbirth.

BUT REMEMBER! If the bouts are held with a periodicity of 5-10 minutes, then this is no longer a training session, but real births and you do not need to drag out time. It is necessary to call an ambulance that will take you to the hospital. It is not necessary to hurry, because the birth process is not as fast as it seems.

End of 39 weeks gestation

So, if the gestation period has passed 39 weeks, it is worth to be ready for the fact that at the beginning of 40 weeks there should already be birth. Sometimes such an event may be a little late, and the baby will be born at 41 weeks. But still the main way is already passed and there is a little before you see your angel.