Height of standing of the bottom of the uterus by week - table

One of the important diagnostic indicators in pregnancy is the height of the standing of the uterine fundus, the values ​​of which are indicated in the table for weeks of gestation. Under this concept in obstetrics, it is customary to understand the distance from the extreme point of the uterine fundus to the pubic symphysis. The height of the standing of the uterus is measured starting from the 14th week of gestation at each visit to the pregnant gynecologist.

What is the norm of the value of VDM for weeks of pregnancy?

Approximately 3.5 months of gestation, the uterus grows so much in size that its bottom extends beyond the borders of the small pelvis. As a result, this organ can easily be palpated through the anterior abdominal wall.

It should be noted that with the passage of time and an increase in the period, the height of the standing of the uterus bottom increases. Immediate influence on this indicator has several factors simultaneously, namely:

When assessing this parameter, the doctor always makes an adjustment for the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy. That is why in two women with the same gestation period, the values ​​of VDM may differ by 2-3 cm. This is the norm and does not cause suspicion among doctors.

If we talk specifically about the change in the height of the standing of the womb, physicians after the measurement compare the result with the tabulated. Experienced obstetricians know the norm of this indicator. As can be seen from the table, the values ​​in cm practically correspond to the number of weeks of gestation. The difference is on average 2-3 units.

How is the procedure for measuring the height of the uterine fundus?

A similar kind of examination is always performed when the pregnant woman is in a horizontal position. So lying on the couch, the future mother is measured by the circumference of the abdomen (OZH), followed by the VDM. It is worth noting that for more accurate calculations before passing the procedure of a pregnant woman, it is better to empty the bladder.

The obtained values ​​of WDM and OLC, changing during pregnancy by weeks, are compared with the table and recorded in the exchange chart.

What is the reason for this deviation from the norm?

Most of all doctors are not interested in the very importance of WDM at this or that gestational age, but the rate of its growth relative to previous measurements.

So, with a significant increase in this indicator and exceeding the upper limit of the norm, it is necessary to exclude such complications as:

In addition, this can be observed in multiple pregnancies. That is why, always evaluating the indicator, doctors pay attention to the number of bearing fruits.

When decoding the values ​​of VDM during pregnancy, and comparing it with weeks gestation with a table, it often turns out that this indicator is below the norm. This phenomenon may indicate:

Also it should be said that not always the discrepancy of the WDM timeline - there is a sign of violation. One should not forget that often enough in calculating the gestation period there is an error, because some women do not remember the date of the last menstruation. Confirmation that the period of pregnancy is set incorrectly will be "early" or, on the contrary, "late" birth.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, such an indicator as the height of the bottom of the uterus, can not be used independently, since every woman has different pregnancies. Therefore, in no case should not try to compare the indicated in the exchange card readings with tabular, and draw independent conclusions.