Weakness in pregnancy

Among pregnant women, perhaps, the lucky one will be called the one who did not experience weakness during pregnancy. If the toxicosis has passed you by side, this can be considered an extraordinary success. Unfortunately, there are no such future mothers. Most women managed to fully enjoy the weakness and nausea during pregnancy. So the female organism is arranged, that dizziness, nausea, weakness - this is the first signs during pregnancy.

Weakness in pregnancy as a consequence of hormonal adjustment

All is natural, if weakness during pregnancy is caused only by hormonal reorganization. While the body is getting used to it, a woman can feel dizzy , nauseous, weak. In general, this period lasts about 12 weeks. To make sure that only normal processes occur in the body, the pregnant woman should regularly take tests and visit a doctor. If the indicators are within the normal range, with weakness during pregnancy, you can fight in various ways:

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is food: food should contain a large number of nutrients and vitamins. You need to eat a little, but more often than usual. A healthy diet will benefit not only the mother, but also the child.
  2. Weakness and drowsiness during pregnancy will help to overcome a long rest - this is at least 9-10 hours of night sleep. If possible, you can lie down for a couple of hours in the afternoon.
  3. Weakness and dizziness in pregnancy can be one of the causes of stress and anxiety. Try to relax as much as possible and calm down. You should be pleased with the idea of ​​the upcoming replenishment in your family.
  4. Also, to reduce the feeling of severe weakness during pregnancy will help walk in the fresh air and allowed physical activity.

Weakness and dizziness in pregnancy is the result of anemia

The cause of weakness in pregnant women may also be anemia - a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the woman's blood. This should be noted, since hemoglobin is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to the fetus. Its lack causes not only weakness and dizziness in pregnancy, but the developmental lag behind the baby, and in the worst case, the fading of the fetus. Replenish the deficiency of hemoglobin will help iron-containing foods: red meat, liver, legumes, nuts, seafood. They will improve their well-being, as already mentioned earlier, full rest and peace of mind, walks in the fresh air. In more advanced cases, take special medications, of course after consulting a doctor. Many pregnant women are prescribed for prevention.

The cause of severe weakness in pregnancy is hypotension

Another reason for severe weakness in pregnancy is low blood pressure. Hypotension is quite dangerous, it causes not only dizziness and weakness in the legs during pregnancy, but also makes it difficult for nutrients and oxygen to enter the baby. For hypotension is characteristic: shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, weakness in the arms and legs during pregnancy, sweating of feet and palms, half-fainting condition.

There are several simple ways to increase blood pressure, as being in an "interesting" position it is better to refrain from taking medications (except for desperate situations):

Draw conclusions

Why there is weakness in pregnancy, there are three main reasons.

  1. The first is a natural process of hormonal adjustment, which does not represent an excuse for unrest.
  2. The second is anemia, in neglected form it can have negative consequences for both mother and child.
  3. And the third reason is hypotension. Too quite a dangerous state, requiring close attention.

In any case, it will improve the state of health of a pregnant woman and reduce the risk of pathologies in a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition , adequate rest.