Pruning the tongue

In anatomy it is customary to call a thin fold of the mucous membrane a bridle, which in turn allows the lips and tongue to be in the right position. In the human mouth, there are three bridles: the tongue, the upper and lower lips.

These folds are inherently elastic, due to which they are subject to stretching and allow a person to articulate, stretch their lips, talk and put out their tongue.

The position of the bridle, its length and elasticity are determined by the individual characteristics of each person. At different stages of the development of the child, the following features of the formation of the bridle can be revealed:

Such defects can create certain problems for the subsequent development of the child, and therefore require prompt intervention.

Cutting the frenum of the tongue in newborns

Such a defect as a too short frenum of the tongue in newborns can be recognized literally in the first hours or days after birth. To solve this problem is also necessary at once, as the child can not take a good breast, and from this the process of feeding will be stretched for a very long time. Such development of events, first of all, will be dissatisfied with the infant: he will express his protest through regular whims and weeping.

To correct the situation, you should contact a pediatric dentist who will cut the bridle of the tongue. Such a procedure for the baby will be virtually painless. In order to stop the blood, mom should immediately feed the baby breast, because for him this is the best medicine.

How to fix a child's bite

A short fold of the mucous membrane can affect the bite in the child, which will cause negative aesthetic consequences for a smile, and also contribute to impaired oral health.

If the bridle of the tongue is short, it will pull back the lower incisors of the teeth. A short fold of the upper lip, on the contrary, will "pull" the upper incisors forward, and also unnecessarily to expose the gum. If the bridle of the upper lip is fused with the diastema, then between the anterior teeth the child has a very important scab. A short thin fold of the mucous membrane of the lower lip, in addition to the violation of bite, also excessively exposes the gum, which contributes to the development of periodontitis.

All these negative consequences can be eliminated with the help of plastic frenum. This procedure is recommended for children between the ages of 5 and 9 until the baby's teeth have changed. In some cases, at the discretion of the doctor, they can perform plastic surgery at an earlier age.

The operation to prune a frenum in a child

The development of modern technologies made it possible to perform operations to trim the folds of the mucous membrane of the tongue in children with absolutely painless and conducted in a very short time. In good medical institutions, a special laser is used to cut the bridle under the tongue, which ensures maximum effectiveness of this procedure and safety.

Cutting the frenulum of the tongue - the consequences

The procedure of trimming creases takes several minutes. For newborn children, no anesthesia is used. It will be required for older children, but, again, its necessity is determined by the attending physician. After the procedure, your child will almost immediately eat, drink and can not limit himself in anything.

All the problems that arise in children when forming a bridle, it is quite possible to solve their parents. For this, it is necessary to periodically take the child to preventive examinations to such specialists as orthodontist, dentist and speech therapist.