Mental retardation in children - symptoms

In order to identify mental retardation in children as soon as possible and begin treatment, the mother must know the symptoms of this pathology. In this case, the causes of this phenomenon have not yet been fully studied.

What causes mental retardation in infants?

Conditionally, all factors that lead to the development of mental retardation in children can be divided into endogenous and exogenous. At the same time, they can influence the child both at the stage of intrauterine development, and during the first months, and even years since the birth of the baby.

The most common causes of mental retardation in children are:

  1. Various intoxications, which include, above all, all the painful conditions experienced by a woman in the period of bearing a child. As a rule, they arise under the influence of poisonous substances, the formation of which occurs as a result of a violation of the exchange process. Quite often, intoxication can result from excessive and prolonged use of drugs during pregnancy.
  2. Severe infectious processes.
  3. Fetal injuries in pregnancy
  4. Birth trauma.

From internal causes, the most important is the hereditary factor.

How to determine the child's mental retardation independently?

Due to the fact that in most cases, the signs of mental retardation in children are hidden, the pathology is revealed rather late. In this case, depending on the type of pathology , its symptoms are different, i.e. each of the types of mental retardation in children has its own symptoms.

So, with a mild form , by external signs, children are no different from others. As a rule, they have little difficulty in the learning process, but they have good enough and accurate memory. A distinctive feature is affection, dependence on adults and educators.

In the middle form (immobility), children are very attached to adults, and are only able to distinguish between punishment and praise. They can be trained in basic service skills. As a rule, such children are trained in writing, reading and simple account.

With severe form (idiocy), the child has practically nothing to learn. Speech in this case is absent, and the movements are not purposeful, rather awkward. All emotions are manifested in a primitive expression of discontent or joy.

How are mental retardation treated?

Due to the fact that the signs of mental retardation in infants are poorly expressed, treatment of pathology in children of this age is practically not carried out.

When a similar diagnosis is made to older children, different medications are prescribed, depending on what caused the disease. At the same time, hormones, iodine preparations and other medicines prescribed by a doctor can be used.