Gymnastics for the eyes for school children

Vision is one of the main sensory organs of a person, therefore it should be protected from the youth. In our age of modern technology, people are increasingly having vision problems, and they also appear in school-age children. The most common causes of visual impairment in schoolchildren and the early development of such diseases as myopia, astigmatism, strabismus, is the abuse of computer games and watching cartoons on TV. Instead of walking in the open air, active rest and dosed reading, children spend all their free time in front of the monitor, which can not but affect their bodies of vision. The negative influence of the computer on the sight of schoolchildren is that the muscles of the eyes, which have not yet become stronger, are very tired from a long strain. If this happens on a regular basis, then vision begins to fall swiftly.

However, this can be avoided by imposing a restriction on the computer and TV, alternating tense work of the eyes (doing homework, reading) with rest. Also, doctors-ophthalmologists strongly recommend to conduct gymnastics for schoolchildren for the eyes, both at home and at school. The protection of the eyesight of schoolchildren is very important, since myopia, as a rule, is very difficult to treat.

Gymnastics for the eyes is the most appropriate method for preventing visual impairment in younger schoolchildren, since if you teach a child at an early age to do these exercises, it will become a very useful habit. If your child-pupil already has any visual impairment, then visual gymnastics should be carried out necessarily. Regular exercises for the eyes will stop the fall of vision, which for pupils often ends with prescribing glasses. Classes should be done 2-3 times a day, devoting it to 10-15 minutes. During these exercises, the muscles of the eyes relax and rest, and the subsequent load on the eyes is perceived much easier. Such charging for the eyes is useful not only for schoolchildren, it does not hurt adults, especially those whose work involves daily "communication" with the computer.

Examples of exercises for the eyes, recommended for school children

The exercises described below are aimed at relieving tension from the eye muscles, training them, as well as increasing accommodation, improving blood circulation in the eye tissues. Each of them should be repeated several times (first 2-3 times, then when the child already knows what to do - 5-7 times). When voicing exercises for a child, be sure to perform them with him: a visual example sometimes works better than any words.

  1. Blindfolds. Firmly squeeze your eyes tight for 5 seconds, and then open them.
  2. "Butterfly". Blink your eyes, like a butterfly waving its wings - quickly and easily.
  3. "Traffic light". Alternately close the left, then the right eye, as the railway traffic light flashes.
  4. "Up down". Look first up, then down, without tilting your head.
  5. "Watch." Let the eyes look to the right, then to the left, like the clock: "tick-yes." Repeat this exercise 20 times.
  6. "Tic-tac-toe." Draw a large circle with your eyes clockwise, and then against it. Now draw a cross: first look to the right up, then to the left down, and then vice versa, having looked at the two conventional lines crosswise.
  7. "Glyadelki." Do not blink your eyes as long as possible. When you blink, close your eyes and relax, imagining that you are asleep.
  8. "Massage". Close your eyelids and gently massage your eyes with your fingers.
  9. "Far close". Focus your eyes first on the object that is in the opposite end of the room (cabinet, cool board, etc.) and look at it for 10 seconds. Then slowly look at the near object (for example, on your finger) and also look at it for 10 seconds.
  10. "Focus". Look, without taking your eyes off, at the moving object (your hand). In this case, the hand should be clearly visible, and all other objects in the distance - blurry. Then focus the eye, on the contrary, on the objects of the background.

Gymnastics for the eyes, designed for junior schoolchildren and children attending kindergarten, can include elements of the game. For example, these exercises can be completed in a poetic form and, including as an audio recording, perform them by the whole team.