Dry cough syrup for children

Catarrhal diseases are often accompanied by a cough. Parents know what discomfort he delivers to babies, so they are eager to help them. Especially annoying dry cough. It tires, it breaks sleep, it can cause attacks of suffocation. Mums should know what syrups for dry cough for children can pay attention to. After all, pharmacies offer a huge selection of funds, which are easy to get confused.

List of dry cough syrups for children

The choice will depend on the disease, as well as its course. All funds can be divided into groups.

The first will include drugs that suppress the cough reflex. They are prescribed for whooping cough, pleurisy. Also, a doctor can prescribe medication when a nonsurgical cough causes insomnia and anxiety. This group includes the Sinekod preparation, but it is worth remembering that it can not be used for more than a week. For the youngest, drops are used.

To facilitate the patient's condition in ARVI and other respiratory diseases, the doctor tries to choose a therapy that will transfer a non-productive cough to the wet one. Such syrups for the treatment of dry cough in children are called mucolytics. They contribute to the dilution of phlegm.

  1. Lazolvan - an inexpensive syrup from a dry cough for children. This is a popular remedy for treating babies prone to allergies. Active substance is ambroxol.
  2. Bromhexine is effective and safe enough. It smells good, because children drink it without problems. The medicine is well tolerated, it goes well with a number of other drugs.
  3. Ambrobe is another popular drug that has proven effective.
  4. Flavamed - an effective syrup from a dry cough for children. It is also used for newborns. After taking the effect, it will become visible after about 30 minutes, lasting at least 6 hours.
  5. Пропан - vegetable syrup from a dry cough for children and to accept it it is possible from the very first months. It has a pleasant taste.

In a separate group, it is worth mentioning the combined means with a multi-effect. They can comprehensively influence the problem.

  1. Syrup Herbion contains an extract of plantain, as well as flowers of mallow. It has a soft effect, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. "Doctor Mom" helps to cope with a dry cough. Due to herbal substances in the composition is an emollient, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect.
  3. "Kodelak" has antitussive effect, thanks to codeine. Herbs that are in the composition have an expectorant effect.
  4. The syrup of licorice root is effective. The drug contains alcohol, so children should be given with caution. The drug has contraindications, among the side effects - allergy.

What kind of syrup to give a child with a dry cough should be decided by the doctor. After all, there are different nuances. For example, you can not take mucolytics with antitussive drugs. When choosing a combination of drugs, the doctor also takes into account a number of other factors.