Don Sphinx character

These amazing cats, as if flew to us from other worlds, are gaining popularity among our fans. The attitude towards them in different people is quite the opposite. If one of them from these animals gates the nose, embarrassed by the total absence of hair, then others - are ready to deify their pets. Many owners argue that this breed of cats even knows how to treat osteochondrosis and various joint diseases, possessing amazing extrasensory abilities. Beginners want to know what are the distinctive features of the Don Sphinx , whether it is worth keeping it in an apartment where other animals or children are.

Features of the Don Sphinx

By their nature, the Don Sphynx are very sociable and do not tolerate being imprisoned. The company loves these cats, and their philanthropy may even be a little intrusive. When they are left alone in the room, they usually meow until the host's nerves stand, and he does not let the pet back in. Quite calmly, these animals react to the punishment for antics, never releasing claws in response. On the contrary, the Sphinx will try to caress you, to make amends and quickly gain forgiveness.

Almost all who dealt with the Don Sphinx give them an exceptionally positive characteristic. People love these cats, and their philanthropy may even be a little intrusive. They just can not stand the long loneliness. For children, our cats are well, also quickly these pets find a common language with other pets, without showing any aggression towards them. In general, a great rarity, that the Sphinx someone scratched or bitten. You very quickly get used to such a sensitive friend, and then simply can not do without his company.