Adenoviral conjunctivitis

Adenoviral conjunctivitis (eye adenovirus) is an acute disease in which the mucous membrane of the eye is affected. It is very contagious and is most often diagnosed in the autumn-spring period.

The causative agent of adenoviral conjunctivitis and the ways of its transmission

The causative agent of this disease, as can be seen from its name, is adenovirus . Adenoviruses, getting into the human body, cause damage to various organs and tissues - respiratory tract, intestines, lymphoid tissue, etc. But the "favorite" place is the mucous membranes, especially the eye.

Adenoviruses are stable in external conditions, they persist for a long time in water, in the cold, they stand freezing. They bend under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and chlorine.

The source and reservoir of adenovirus infection is a person - both a patient and a carrier. This type of virus is transmitted, mainly by airborne droplets. It is also possible to contact the transmission route (through contaminated hands, objects) and alimentary (through water and food).

Symptoms of Adenoviral Conjunctivitis

The incubation period for conjunctivitis caused by adenovirus infection is about one week. In some cases, an infected person does not get sick at once, but becomes a carrier of the virus. Then the infection manifests itself against the background of a decrease in immunity, after hypothermia.

Adenoviral conjunctivitis in most cases occurs against the background of infection of the upper respiratory tract, therefore the first symptoms are usually:

Symptoms of conjunctivitis directly depend on its form and manifest first on one eye, and after 2-3 days - on the second. In adults, the disease can occur in two forms - catarrhal or follicular.

Catarrhal adenoviral conjunctivitis manifests itself in this way:

Follicular adenoviral conjunctivitis has such manifestations:

Complications of adenoviral conjunctivitis

Late initiated or incorrect treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis can lead to the development of rather serious complications, namely:

How to treat adenoviral conjunctivitis?

In order to prevent complications, when the initial symptoms of infection appear, you should consult your doctor. Treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis in adults is carried out on an outpatient basis and involves the use of two groups of topical drugs - antiviral and immunostimulating. As a rule, preparations of interferon and deoxyribonuclease in drops, as well as ointments with antiviral action (for example, florenal, bonaflone) are prescribed.

In case of bacterial infection, local antibiotics are prescribed. Medication therapy for adenoviral conjunctivitis includes anti-allergic (antihistamine) drugs. For the prevention of dry eyes prescribed artificial substitutes for tears (Vidisik, Oftagel or others).