Anechogenous formation in the uterus

Ultrasound research is a reliable and inexpensive method of research, which has found wide application in obstetrics and gynecology. Sometimes a specialist during an ultrasound examines anehogenous formation in the uterus. And then the question arises: is this a variant of the norm or a pathology? We will consider what can mean anechogenous inclusions (or formation) in the cervix or its cavity.

What does anechoic content in the uterine cavity mean?

If one deciphers word for word "anechogenous," then we understand that this is an education that is filled with content that is not capable of producing sound. Detection of the anechoic formation in the uterine cavity is not a basis for diagnosis. At the very least, the detection of such a finding requires careful collection of anamnesis, patient complaints, additional tests and examinations (at least ultrasound in dynamics).

What can anechogenous formation in the uterus be?

Normally, such an education can be detected early in pregnancy. Then a woman can mark a delay in menstruation and a positive result of a pregnancy test. In such cases, a woman can be recommended to take a blood test for the level of chorionic gonadotropin and go through ultrasound examination in a week. The yellow body in the ovary can also be defined as anehogenous formation.

In pathological conditions anechogenous formation can be a cyst ( follicular cyst , retention cyst of cervix uterus). Women with such diagnostic findings should undergo ultrasound examination in dynamics to see if there is an increase in the cyst, and to determine the tactics of conducting such a patient.

Thus, if a doctor on ultrasound has discovered an anechoic formation in the uterus, then do not be afraid of it. It can be a normal pregnancy, the yellow body of the ovary or cyst, which does not require enhanced treatment.