Dandruff in a cat - reasons

The condition of the cat's fur is one of the indicators by which one can judge her health. And in the case when the cat has dandruff on the fur, it is necessary to immediately search for the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. Let's try to figure out why the cat can have dandruff.

Causes of dandruff in a cat

First of all, it should be noted that in cats, dandruff first appears on the back, this is the most favorable place. The reasons for the appearance of a large number of scales of dead skin (which, in fact, is dandruff) can be several, and not always an indicator of health problems in a cat. Here are some of the easily removable causes of dandruff that are not associated with a health problem:

  1. Excessive care (frequent bathing, improperly selected shampoo, improper combing) or keeping in a too warm room with dry air.
  2. Stress . The reasons for this condition can be different - moving to a new home, changing the diet, the appearance in the family of a new pet. With the normalization of the situation, the problem will be solved by itself.
  3. Unbalanced food , a lack (excess) of vitamins , food disorders.

The reasons that caused dandruff, can be more serious.

Carefully inspect the coat of your pet - fleas, ticks, lice can cause dandruff.

Dandruff can also appear with allergic dermatitis, as a reaction to drugs or foods.

In order not to rack your brains, from which the cat has dandruff, contact the veterinarian, where appropriate tests will be taken and the exact causes of this phenomenon will be established. In the clinic you will be prompted and what to do if the cat has dandruff - to normalize the diet and the condition of maintenance (care), will recommend the means to combat skin parasites, establish an allergen.