Recognition of Emma Watson about photos with fans

Talented and super-popular actress Emma Watson is known not only for her diverse roles, but also for disliking pictures with fans. Recently, she finally revealed her secret. According to the star "Beauty and the Beast" the whole problem is that the paparazzi interfere without any embarrassment in her personal life:

"I admit honestly: I had to spend a lot of energy to get used to life under the spotlight, both fans and reporters. I'll tell you one important event: at the celebration of my birthday the paparazzi argued who would be able to make a frame, where my dress raises a gust of wind. Imagine, they just crawled on the ground and froze, waiting for me to finally appear. Do you think it's funny? In my opinion it's very sad! I know how people feel about me: they see me as an arrogant or even ungrateful girl, they say, I do not appreciate the love of my fans. That's Hermione, everyone just adores, and the settler Emma Watson's nose is frayed and does not even want to take a couple of pictures with her fans. She earned such money on films, became a millionaire, but does not want to pay attention to her fans. Yes, I do not want to do Selfie! I can talk, shake hands, answer questions, talk about my life (about studying on set, about friendship with boys). This is any number, but the photo - never! ".

The Secret House of Adult Hermione

According to the actress, she wants to be able to stay safe away from people. She and the house bought anonymously, through a trusted agent and now journalists can not find out where Emma Watson lives.

Here are some more thoughts of the star "Colonies of Dignidad" about the photo with the fans:

"I do not want the photos with my admirers to appear on the Internet, and then their hackers used them as they have done with my e-mail many times. Do you think it's not enough that my face in the form of tattoos is applied to different parts of the body? Do you think that I do not deserve a little rest and the right to privacy? ".
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Comfortable loneliness

And the girl admitted that it is much more pleasant for her to spend time alone. She was accustomed to avoid, if possible, a mass gathering of people, social gatherings, companies:

"Before, I was not ready to accept my character. I realized that I was very closed, uncomfortable. Long thought, can something go wrong with me? And then I came to understand myself, realized that I just like silence, loneliness. These factors help me to recover, calm down, pull myself together. My favorite occupations are cooking, drawing, molding from clay. "