How to treat a diathesis in a child?

Probably, every mother encountered in her life with diathesis in a child and knows that these are red rashes on the cheeks. But, it turns out, this term exists only in the post-Soviet space, and in international medicine it simply does not exist. In fact, such a diagnosis implies the tendency of the baby to some diseases, which are often expressed in the form of rashes.

There are three types of so-called diathesis:

  1. Such skin manifestations are called exudative-catarrhal diathesis , and this, all familiar red crusts on the cheeks, which can become wet.
  2. Lymphatic-hypoplastic appearance is much less common and is expressed in a child's propensity for various infectious diseases, allergies, disruption of the lymphatic system and thymus gland.
  3. Nervous-arthritic diathesis is a tendency to inflammation of the joints, hypertension, diabetes, obesity.

Who is to blame for the occurrence of diathesis in a child?

Before starting to treat a diathesis in a child, you need to understand its nature and find out with which enemy you need to fight. Propensity to certain diseases is often inherited. The same can be said about diathesis, or atopic dermatitis, which is implied by this diagnosis, but in extremely rare cases. Most often, the parents are guilty of manifestations of various allergic reactions.

Neglect of a pregnant woman with the rules of nutrition, pours out into a rash in a newborn, a nursing mother eats strawberries harmful to a baby and chocolate - please, the result is obvious. The fascination with all sorts of synthetic detergents is also not the best way to affect the child.

Instead of tempering the baby from birth, he is wrapped up and walks with him a little, motivating bad weather, the toys of the child are often made of poor-quality materials, and all this in a complex reduces the defenses of an already weak organism, causing diathesis.

How to treat diathesis in a newborn?

Inexperienced mothers do not know how to treat infant diathesis in infants. Let's try to understand what needs to be done to eliminate an unpleasant rash. We will make a reservation at once, that rashes, is only a cutaneous symptom of a complex of deviations from normal work of an organism. But often it is the crusts and pimples that are treated, so they do not bother to find out the cause of their occurrence, and it is precisely this that must be neutralized.

Babies from birth prescribe drugs in the annotation to which there are multiple contraindications and side effects. But still these antihistamines are used. They act, as a rule, after a few days and the child at the time gets rid of the rash. If the cause of the rashes is not eliminated, the allergen again relapses after a while.

Along with antihistamines, babies are assigned sorbents from the very birth, which neutralize harmful substances and remove them with feces. These funds are allowed from birth and do not harm the small organism.

As we know, diathesis in a child can be treated with ointments. If the baby has itchy crusts on the cheeks, then the doctor will prescribe all the same antihistamines, but only in the form of a tuba with ointment, which alternate with hormonal creams.

Treatment of diathesis in children after the year is needed in the same way as infants, the dosage of drops can only vary, depending on the weight. The good news is that most children with manifestations of atopic dermatitis by two years completely get rid of this problem in the form of skin rashes, but he still has a tendency to allergic manifestations.

How to treat diathesis in a child folk remedies?

Of the non-traditional methods of treating diathesis, the most commonly used are infusions from the infusion of the egg shell, and also the broth of bay leaf with rosehip. This tool acts both as a curative and for prophylaxis. Babies older than a year are given a milled egg shell (on the tip of a knife) mixed with a few drops of lemon juice.

Before you try out any, even the most innocuous at first glance folk methods, you need to consult a doctor. In particular, this applies to children up to a year.