Protein in the urine of a child - when you need to sound an alarm?

If a protein in the urine of a child is found, this is not always considered by doctors as a sign of pathology. Important is the age of the baby, the concentration of the content of this substance. But in most cases the appearance of protein cells is a symptom of a urinary system.

Urinalysis of protein

Urine analysis in children should be conducted at least 1 time in six months. This frequency of research allows you to detect possible violations in time and begin the necessary treatment. Protein in the urine of a child is detected by a laboratory examination of the portion of urine with the help of special samples. Doctors actively use:

  1. Quantitative method Lowry - determines the presence of protein in the daily urine in a concentration of up to 100 mg / day.
  2. A qualitative Geller test - up to 30-60 mg / day.
  3. General analysis of Nechiporenko.

If a rapid determination of the result is necessary, test test strips can be used. When immersed in a urine sample, the color of the indicator changes. When comparing the obtained shade with the existing table, establish the approximate concentration of protein in the urine of a child. The advantage of the method is its simplicity and the possibility of using it at home.

When is the urinalysis prescribed?

In most cases, a complete examination of the collected sample urine is carried out with certain indications. For general diagnosis, doctors prescribe a general analysis. At the same time, volume, color, organoleptic parameters are taken into account. The analysis of urine in children according to Nechiporenko with the determination of protein concentration in the sample is prescribed:

Protein in urine is normal in children

The norm in conducting such studies is the complete absence of protein cells. However, there is a permissible concentration - a protein content in the urine, in which the violation is not spoken, assuming this is the norm. In this case, they say about the "traces of protein" in the urine of a child. A similar conclusion is made if the concentration of protein structures in the collected urine sample does not exceed 0.033-0.036 g / l.

It should be noted that with an increase in the child's age, the protein norm in the urine changes. This fact is always taken into account when evaluating the results of the analysis. In addition, doctors make an amendment for the time of the study: the results of tests given after the course of therapy may indicate an increased protein in the urine of a child. Its norm for different ages of children is given in the table below.

Increased protein in urine - what does it mean?

Trying to understand the result of the analysis, Mom often asked doctors what the protein in the urine of a child means. Doctors calmed: 85-90% of newborns have physiological proteinuria. This is due to an increase in the permeability of the epithelial tissue of the renal glomeruli and tubules. The child quickly adapts to new environmental conditions for him - the metabolism is increased, the functions of the organs are activated, and the physiologically elevated protein in the urine of a young child is independently normalized.

Talking about what the protein means in the urine, it should be noted that there are other situations when there may be a physiological proteinuria. Often, this is observed with excessive breastfeeding. The function of the kidneys in infants is often reduced, so part of the protein can be found in the urine. This may change the color of urine. Among other reasons for the physiological increase of protein in the urine can be noted:

Protein in the urine of a child causes

According to the doctors' observations, elevated protein in the urine is often a sign of impairment. To isolate a particular pathology, a complex of all kinds of studies and analyzes is necessary. Among the common factors explaining why the protein in the urine of a child appears, call:

Proteinuria always indicates a decrease in protein in the baby's blood. They perform a lot of important functions, so if they lack, the physiological status of the child's organism changes. As a result, there is a characteristic symptomatology:

What is dangerous protein in the urine in children?

Increase of protein in the urine of a child signals about possible pathologies of the urinary system. Absence of necessary diagnostics and appropriate therapy can negatively affect the health of the child as a whole. Progression of the disease leads to the spread of infection and inflammation to other internal organs. In the pathological process can be involved:

Protein in the urine of a child - what to do?

Elevated protein in the urine of a child is an indication for a comprehensive examination. Mom should strictly observe all the recommendations and appointments given by the doctor, go through with the baby all the prescribed tests and hardware examinations. Do not make independent attempts to treat a child, since there is a risk of harm to the child's body.

Protein in urine - treatment, preparations

Having discovered a protein in the urine of a child, treatment begins only after an accurate determination of the cause of the disorder. Medicinal preparations are selected individually, depending on the type of pathogen, the stage of the disease, the severity of the symptoms. The dosage and the frequency of reception are also determined by the doctor and must be strictly observed by the parents. Among the groups of drugs used, it is necessary to distinguish:

Protein in urine - folk remedies

Treatment of protein in the urine in children can be carried out with the help of traditional medicine. Such funds are additional as part of complex therapy.

Seeds and roots of parsley


Preparation, application

  1. The ingredients are mixed.
  2. 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture pour boiling water, insist.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Birch buds


Preparation, application

  1. The kidneys are covered in a thermos bottle and poured with boiled, slightly chilled water.
  2. Insist 1,5 hours.
  3. Give the child 50 ml 3 times a day.

Protein in urine - diet

A slight increase in the concentration of protein in the urine in a child can be adjusted by adherence to a special diet. Doctors prescribe children a diet low in protein in food (№ 7A). From the diet is completely excluded:

To reduce the protein in the urine of a child, the diet restricts poultry meat, fish. The food is cooked all by steam or is used in a boiled, baked form. Provides a fractional diet - up to 6 times a day. The amount of liquid drunk is limited to 0.8 liters. The basis of a child's diet should be: