Report from filming a new project by Woody Allen on the beach

Verily: Woody Allen is an amazing person. Despite his advanced age, he continues to make films one by one! Only we managed to move away from the premiere of "Secular Life", as we are just waiting for the meeting with the first series of the meter - "The Crisis in Six Scenes". And now the indefatigable 80-year-old director is again on the set.

The director, known for his prolificacy, is filming another project. He plunged headlong into the shooting process, while not voicing either his story or the title. Work on another masterpiece of the king of paradoxes has already started. As the main location chosen picturesque New York.

Ladies and gentlemen in vintage costumes

On the site, we found information about the casting of the future "masterpiece". Allen is true to himself, as always. He invites only the best in his films.

In the new, 53rd (!!!) film, the stars of the first echelon will be photographed: James Belushi, Keith Winslet, Justin Timberlake and actress Juneau Temple ("Crack", "Atonement") - daughter of the British director Julien Templ.

In the network appeared footage from the first days of filming: singer and actor Justin Timberlake tried on a closed swimming suit in retro style. Obviously, his hero works on the beach as a rescuer.

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The journalists managed to find out that the heroine Kate Winslet is in the center of events. The story, which will tell viewers Woody Allen, occurs in the distant 50-ies of the twentieth century.