Children's wooden bed

The bed is of great importance in the life of every child. Therefore, it must be absolutely safe for his health. The most suitable in this respect are wooden children's beds. They are made of pine, birch, beech wood. Such beds are durable, durable, environmentally friendly and easy to care for.

On sale there are children's wooden beds of various shapes.

Many models of wooden baby beds are available with pull-out or pull-out drawers that allow the child's things to be kept in order.

Children's wooden bed for newborns

For newborn children, a popular model is a wooden maneuvering bed with drawers for baby things and a changing table. When the child grows up, the crib can be used as a riding school. For those parents who want to rock the newborn baby, the rocking beds with special legs or a pendulum mechanism are designed. A bed in a newborn's crib can have several positions: lower or higher. The front wall in many models is removed or lowered if necessary.

Children's wooden bunk bed

The parents buy the bed for the newborn to their liking. But then some time passes, the child grows up and he already has his wishes about the situation in his room. If you have two children in your family, then perhaps they will like a two-tier wooden bed. The older child will sleep at the top, and the baby will be downstairs. This bed is also an excellent place for joint games, and climbing up and down the ladder, children will train their dexterity and coordination of movements.

Due to the fact that in a bunk bed, sleeping places are located one above the other, you can save free space in the nursery, which your children will use for games and entertainment.