Tablets from severity in the stomach

Many of us experienced a weight in our stomach at least once in our life. This happens after taking hard-to-digest food (fatty, fried), flour products, carbonated drinks, non-natural foods, pork and so on. Also, the stressful condition or chronic diseases of the digestive system can affect the poor digestion of foods. Heaviness in the stomach is a frequent consequence of the holidays, from which it can be concluded that alcohol also has a negative effect on digestion. Gravity in the stomach, in addition to unpleasant sensations, can cause frustration, vomiting, gas and spasms, therefore, when choosing tablets, it is necessary to take into account all its manifestations.

Antidiarrheal tablets

There are quite a lot of antidiarrheal drugs for the severity of the stomach, but we will consider the most popular:

In two preparations, the active substance is loperamide. The purpose of the drugs converges, and the difference is only in contraindications to them. Imodium can not be taken to patients with pseudomembranous enterocolitis, acute ulcerative colitis, intestinal obstruction, future mothers and women during lactation.

Loperamide has the following contraindications:

Spasmolytics from severity in the stomach

Spasmolytics are used in the treatment of mild and moderate abdominal pain. The most common drug in this category is No-shpa. The given preparation from gravity in the stomach can be taken without the appointment of a doctor, but no more than two days. Also, No-shpa is used as an auxiliary substance, then it can be used no more than three days. If the medicine does not produce the proper effect, then you need to see a doctor. It is important that No-shp capsules can not be used from the heaviness in the stomach to pregnant women, during labor, and also to women during lactation.

What tablets can I take against the heaviness in the stomach and gases?

Heaviness in the stomach is often accompanied by flatulence, the feeling is not pleasant enough and delivers the discomfort and inconvenience to the patient. The most famous, and, as many consider, an effective drug is Espumizan . The constituents in this medicine destroy gas bubbles, and they are absorbed into the intestinal wall. The main contraindication to the use of Espumizan is hypersensitivity to its components.