Reproduction of black currant cuttings in autumn

For a gambler a new breed or a healthy seedling is a matter of honor. For many years they have been studying correctly to harvest and root the cuttings of cultures, share their experience and learn new things. In the issue of autumn blackcurrant propagation by cuttings there are many subtleties, some features and even recommendations.

Preparation for reproduction of black currant cuttings

To begin with, we outline the list of advantages of this method of reproduction for blackcurrant:

So, why do we choose the autumn period? In the first half of October you will get the most healthy and strong workpieces. For the reproduction of black currant in autumn we will use one-year-old lignified shoots.

The length of the workpiece is about 30 cm, ideally its diameter should be within 0.7 cm. Using a very sharp and clean knife, we cut off the shoot. The pruner for such purposes is not very suitable, since it significantly crushes the place of the cut and thus complicates the rooting process.

After trimming, you need to cut off the tip at a right angle, the lower part is cut at an angle of about 50 °. When you cut off the shoot and cut the cuttings out of it, put the upper and lower parts aside. These pieces often do not take root.

Rooting during reproduction of black currant cuttings

Now you need to urgently process the locations of slices. For these purposes, melted wax or paraffin wax is perfect. Now you are free to do the following with the blanks:

  1. You can postpone the work until spring. To do this, we collect all the blanks and put on them stickers with the name of the variety. We put it in a plastic bag and send it to the refrigerator. I do not want to use a refrigerator, digging the cuttings deep into a snowdrift.
  2. If you are interested in the autumnal reproduction of black currant cuttings, we plant everything in the ground without a preliminary rooting. When the snow comes down in the spring, melt water itself will awaken the cuttings to life.
  3. And finally, you can start rooting the house, and move the plant itself to the spring.

As practice shows, reproduction of black currant cuttings in autumn with rooting at home and subsequent planting in the spring, gives the most comforting results. It is in this situation that one can find the strongest and weakest cuttings.

Features of reproduction of black currant cuttings in autumn

It is important to observe a few simple, but at the same time, the right rules. First, the drying of the substrate during rooting is unacceptable. Two or three times, plenty of watering planting is a must. Balance is difficult to observe only for beginners, experienced gardeners on the eye determine the frequency of watering.

The optimum temperature for successful rooting is about 20 ° C. If the regime is not observed, your workpieces will not have time to get stronger, in order to adapt after landing to a permanent place. Much safer if the temperature is slightly lower, but not higher. Hardening will only simplify the device.

Be prepared for the fact that in the process of rooting your seedlings can not only move into growth, but also give out inflorescences. Without regret, we remove all the flowers and ovaries as they appear. Then your workpieces will throw their strength on the root system, and they will be able to give a result in the future. If you leave the inflorescence, the harvest from such a seedling will never be collected, or it will be very scarce.