How to earn on maternity leave?

To work and, accordingly, to earn, being in the decree, not only it is possible, but also it is necessary! Firstly, you will not lose your qualification, and you can say continue your professional growth, secondly, you will dispel the boredom of sitting at home and walking in the courtyard; in the third, you will psychologically feel a useful member of the social society, which will give you the necessary tone. In general, knowing how to earn on maternity leave, you will not only improve your financial situation, but also bring the benefits of your suspended work and qualifications.

How to make money in a decree and how to choose a field of activity?

Reasoning on the topic of how to earn houses in a decree, do not go far from your professional skills - you need to choose the kind of activity in which you are well versed, or one that is related to your education. Of course, something you forgot, something may be outdated, but the main thing is that you know the basics and easily be able to restore your knowledge.

Trying yourself in a job that you do not have the slightest idea is not recommended, however profitable and monetary it might seem. First, such "competent" employees in search of how you can earn in the decree employers do not favor, and secondly, while you more or less master it, make a lot of mistakes and regularly get a kick from your bosses and waste your nerves in vain ... And your nerves are useful in life.

Therefore, choose what you know. The more skilled the work - the better it is paid. For example, if you know a foreign language, you can make good money on translations. And if, in addition, you know some fairly rare language, well, for example, Dutch or Danish, you will just be in great demand. One Muscovite, born in Riga and who speaks Latvian well, earned in the month from 700 to 900 euros ... Not a bad addition to the maternity, is not it?

At the same time, you can easily combine this work with tutoring - here's one more way for you to make money while you are on the decree. While your child is asleep, work out in the kitchen with a schoolboy or student with a language preparation for literally 1 hour (say 3 hours a week) for 10-15 euros per hour - a wonderful and not very difficult opportunity to make good money.

With languages ​​in life you have not had a relationship, well, it's not scary. Remember your diploma. Try to restore in memory your institute knowledge plus your professional skills gained in the service. Writing course and diploma papers for not "very hardworking" students, as well as compositions for not too literary gifted schoolchildren, is another great opportunity not only to earn , but also to restore forgotten knowledge that will help in your future work.