Sea kale - useful properties

Sea kale, or, as it is also called, kelp is a brown edible seaweed, which has been consumed since time immemorial. Nowadays it is quite a popular product, which, first of all, is famous for its high iodine content.


Laminaria is a natural source of the most valuable and irreplaceable substances, but the amount of vitamins in sea kale depends on what water, at what temperature and illumination, these algae were grown. However, irrespective of the conditions of growth in the kelp production, they include:

The Benefits of Sea Cabbage for Man

Today, the brown algae are sold fresh, dried, canned, pickled, but which sea ​​kale is more useful for a long time already known. All the most healing properties belong to fresh and dried kelp.

Laminaria can boast of an abundance of iodine, which helps to remove heavy metals, slags, toxins and radionuclides from the body.

Brown algae is a kind of natural laxative, therefore it serves as an excellent remedy for chronic constipation. The use of this marine product restores metabolism and sets up the digestive system.

Useful properties of sea kale are invaluable for the nervous system. If you regularly take powdered dried kelp, then you can easily cope with stress and depressive state, and also increase mental and physical activity.

Algae helps strengthen the heart muscle, maintains the tone of the vessels, lowers cholesterol and increases hemoglobin. Regular use of this marine product prevents the occurrence of problems with the cardiovascular system. Actively used kelp and in the treatment of angina, just every hour gargle with infusion of dried seaweed. Also known is the valuable ability of sea kale in the normalization of thyroid functions, and even in the treatment of endemic goiter.

Scientists have long proven that kelp is an excellent tool for treating women's diseases, such as infertility, erosion of the cervix, etc.

Including sea cabbage in the daily diet , you will warn your body of the occurrence of numerous diseases and generally strengthen immunity.

The damage to sea kale

Despite all the useful properties of sea kale, it has quite a lot of restrictions for eating. Here are the cases in which laminaria is contraindicated when:

Typically, in canned and pickled sea cabbage, manufacturers add a variety of sweeteners, colourants, flavors and sodium gluconate, and such a set can cause severe diarrhea or trigger the occurrence of rashes throughout the body. In order to avoid such negative consequences, one should take in food only fresh or dried laminaria, which, on the contrary, will strengthen health, enrich the body with the most important and useful microelements and protect against various ailments.