How to keep roses in a vase?

Rose is a real queen of flowers, a beautiful decoration of any room and, of course, the best gift to a loved one. A chic bouquet of roses is worth it, with the help of simple techniques to prolong its beauty and freshness. Let's figure out how to save a bouquet of roses longer.

Before you try to keep alive roses, you need to remember that this luxurious flower does not like the neighborhood of other plants and will quickly die. Therefore, never put roses in one vase with other flowers. Also dangerous for a bouquet of roses is a nearby vase with apples that emit ethylene.

Conditions for preserving a bouquet of roses

How to keep roses in a vase for two to three weeks, or even longer? We will answer: it is quite possible if several important and mandatory requirements are observed. Firstly, a bouquet of roses needs maximum humidity. You can achieve good moisture content in several ways:

  1. Stems of fresh roses are cleaned from leaves and thorns (no sheet should be under the water in a vase) and cut with a sharp knife obliquely at an angle of about 40 degrees.
  2. To prevent air from entering the conductive vessels of the stem, pruning should be carried out underwater, for example, flowing.
  3. To increase the absorbing area, you can make several longitudinal scratches on the stem and split, crushing the lower part above the cut.
  4. Daily, along with the change of water, it is necessary to shorten the stems by 1-2 cm.
  5. Regular spraying also helps to keep the freshness of roses longer. When spraying, you must carefully monitor that water does not hit the center of the buds, but only on the petals.

How to keep roses in water?

The next conditions for the long preservation of the bouquet are the purity of water and food. How to achieve this and how to keep roses in water?

  1. Before use, water must be kept for several hours. It is better to use thawed or bottled water at room temperature. Change the water in the vase is necessary daily.
  2. Before each change of water, carefully rinse the vase and stems of flowers, cleanse of a slippery coating.
  3. For additional disinfection, activated carbon, vodka, aspirin, citric acid or alum can be added to the water.
  4. An original, but very effective method of purifying water from putrefactive bacteria is the addition of a few drops of water to dishwashing detergent or bleach.
  5. As a nutrient to preserve the freshness of roses in water, add sugar (30 grams per liter) or vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter).

Best preserved roses in a cool room without drafts and direct sunlight. Badly affect and accelerate the wilting of the bouquet of exhaust fumes and tobacco smoke. Also the roses suffer from sharp temperature changes: flowers brought in the cold season need to be "accustomed" to room temperature gradually.

How to keep the freshness of roses?

How to keep roses fresh for the maximum amount of time? Every evening after changing water, cover the bouquet with paper or a plastic bag. Then in the morning roses will please you with their fresh and bright appearance. The created effect of the "water bath" will ensure maximum saturation of the stems and buds with moisture.

What if the roses in the bouquet have already faded slightly? How to keep the freshness of roses in this case? To revive the wilted flowers can be quite simple: just dip them into a deep container with cool water (only the buds and flowers should stay above the surface!) And cover with paper or film. Within a few hours, the roses will be saturated with moisture and will rejoice with their beauty again.