Anti-Aging Mesocotyle

Rejuvenating mesococtail is a biologically active additive, available both for oral administration and for external use. The basis for the creation of drugs are antioxidants, which slow down the aging and cell death processes.

Rejuvenating mesococcus - the principle of action

Over time, the amount of a chemical component called acetylcholine decreases in the human body. This biological substance regulates the transmission of nerve impulses and controls muscular activity in general. After 40 years, there is an acute deficit of acetylcholine, which leads to age-related changes in the body, manifested not only in external signs, but also in memory impairment, loss of vitality, and motor activity. The rejuvenating mesococtail contains a high concentration of antioxidant dimethylominoethanol, which, after undergoing a biological transformation after ingestion, is converted to acetylcholine.

In addition, mesococtails contain natural extracts of plants, vitamins and trace elements in high concentrations, capable of providing a person with all the necessary components for restoring youth and strength.

Rejuvenating mesococktail for hair


Rejuvenating mesococktail for hair contains:

The last 4 ingredients are antioxidants and are added to the mesococtail in high concentrations.

Apply this tool is very simple. It must be dissolved in warm water and rubbed into the scalp after washing, to carry out a light massage. After this, it is necessary to distribute the mesococtail along the entire length of the hair and leave it for half an hour. After 30 minutes, rinse the hair and scalp with running water. Noticeable results will be visible after 1.5-2 months of use of the drug twice a week.

Anti-cellulite rejuvenating mesocockteil


In structure:

The latter component protects skin cells from free radicals and promotes elimination of toxic substances. Moreover, mesoflavone produces the strongest lifting effect, causing the cells of the epidermis to shrink.

The use of the drug consists in preparing a cocktail solution with water and rubbing the product into problem areas.

Anti-Aging Mesocotyle for the face


The composition of the mesococtail for the face also has a high content of mesoflavone, which has a pronounced lifting effect.

Use the product in the evening, before going to bed, applying a solution of mesococtal to the cleansed skin. The additive should not be rinsed until the morning.