Mysteries about summer for children

From June to August, parents have a rather difficult time. Usually at this time, children do not go to kindergarten or school. Therefore, before mothers and fathers there is a difficult task: to entertain your child and at the same time to interest him with new horizons in mastering the world. For this purpose, riddles for children about the summer are perfect, most of which will lead the child into real delight.

Why should you pay special attention to riddles about this time of year?

Nowadays computers and tablets are not surprising if you constantly see your son or daughter playing games, cartoons or communicating with your friends through social networks. Offer them funny children's riddles about the summer - and it is likely that virtual communication will become real. After all, to think up the answers to them is always fun and funny, while watching the expression of the neighbor's face and his attempts to guess what was meant. Stormy positive emotions and a great mood of your child and his friends are guaranteed to you.

However, in addition to creating a fun atmosphere, children's riddles about the summer will help:

  1. Develop a logical thinking for a child, because in order to figure out what is going on in the riddle, he will have to use all his knowledge about the world around him.
  2. Improve concentration and memory of crumbs. As a rule, most of the children's riddles about the summer with answers, especially folklore, are very imaginative, so that you can immediately understand what was in them, only the child prodigy can do.
  3. To acquaint the young researcher with an inexhaustible fount of folk wisdom, which is surely useful to him in the future when accumulating his own everyday experience.
  4. Use your imagination in any situation. After all, children's riddles about summer are very diverse in content and style, and this contributes to the development of fantasy.
  5. To expand vocabulary and instill love for one's native language.

Examples of riddles about the summer time of the year

The theme of riddles about summer for kindergarten is very wide. After all, at this time a lot of flowers bloom, fruits and vegetables ripen, and the weather often changes. The name of one of the summer months can also be encoded in the puzzle.

Answers to riddles are sometimes given not as a word or words, but as a picture, which you can draw yourself or print from a computer. This allows the child to develop imaginative thinking.

If you prefer to spend most of the time from June to August in nature ( in the country or in hikes), the best pastime away from civilization for small fidgets will be to think of children's riddles about summer for preschoolers or elementary schools on weather conditions: rain, hail, rainbows, thunderstorms, sun, fog, dew, etc. They will help the child learn to clearly differentiate natural phenomena around him, classify them, compare and distinguish distinctive features. For example:

Well, who of you will answer:

Not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a flashlight, but it shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bake? (The sun)


In the morning the beads gleamed,

All the grass itself was woven,

And they went to look for them in the afternoon,

We are looking for, we are looking for - we will not find it. (Dew)


A fiery arrow is flying.

No one will catch her:

Neither the king nor the queen,

Not a red girl. (Lightning)


Sister and brother live:

One sees everything,

Yes, do not hear,

Everyone hears the other,

Yes, he does not. (Lightning Thunder)


What a miracle, beauty!

Painted gates

Seen on the way! ..

In them neither to enter,

Neither enter. (Rainbow)


He rustles in the field and in the garden,

And the house does not fall.

And I'm not going anywhere,

As long as it goes. (Rain)


Look: from the sky in summer

Ice floes flew!

Refreshed in white

The grass and paths.

A cloud of black came,

These ice cubes have brought. (Hailstones)

In a separate group, it is worth highlighting riddles-deceptions about the summer for children, mostly built on the subconscious desire of the baby to choose a rhyme suitable for sounding, even if it does not fit in the sense. Thus, from an early age you can teach crumbs to critically comprehend the reality around you, which is sure to come in handy in the future. Samples of such puzzles are:

My little sisters

Bought by the summer ... (not valenki, and sandals)


We will pick up an armful of flowers

And we'll weave now ... (not a hat, but a wreath)


To the flower put your ear,

And in it hums, sings

Aging ... a fly (a bee)

And collects honey.

The lion's share of such puzzles are puzzles for the mind, the answer to which is the very name of this time of the year or the names of plants, animals, birds or insects, for which the warm season is just the time of greatest activity:

I do not feel sorry for you,

From the south I came with a heat.

Brought flowers, fishing,

Mosquitoes ringing swarm,

Strawberries in the body

And bathing in the river. (Summer)


The sun is baking,

Lime blooms.

Rye ripens,

When does this happen? (In summer)


Emerald meadows,

In the sky there is a rainbow-arc.

The sun is warmed by the sun:

Everyone is calling to swim ... (Summer)


Warm, long-long day,

At noon - a tiny shadow,

Bloom in the field of the ear,

The grasshopper gives a voice,

Ripen strawberries,

What a month, tell me? (June)


A hot, sultry, stuffy day,

Even the chickens are looking for a shadow.

The mowing of bread began,

The time of berries and mushrooms.

His days are the peak of summer,

What, in a month, is this? (July)


The leaves of the maple have turned yellow,

In the countries of the south flew

Swift-winged swifts.

What month, tell me? (August)


I'm hot on the beach

I'm waiting for the guys in the hot summer.

And, fleeing from me,

In the river babies babies.

And little animals these days

Take cover in the shade. (Heat, heat)


For a long time we are sitting in the hut -

In a warm, cramped shell.

And how to hatch,

Quick feathers. (Chicks)


We weave them very cleverly

We are from dandelions.

We put on heads

Girls and boys. (Wreaths)


In the summer I work a lot,

I'm spinning over the flowers.

I'll type nectar - and a bullet

I'll fly to my house - a hive. (Bee)


The rye rushes in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.

Bright blue and fluffy,

Only a pity that it is not fragrant. (Cornflower)


On a green fragile stalk

A ball has grown out of the path.

Veterochek proshurshal

And dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)

Often in such riddles it is said about the summer leisure, which is usually remembered to the kids for a long time:

It is sandy, waiting for us in the summer,

The warm rays shine.

And on the shore warmed up

Children mold cakes. (Beach)


In the summer, I and my boyfriend

We run to the bank.

We almost always get up light,

Spinning, we take the fishing rods,

Worms in a tin can.

This is necessary for bait.

What do we enjoy?

What do we call it? (Fishing, fishermen)


He swings and bed,

It's good to lie on it,

He is in the garden or in the woods

Swaying on the weight. (Hammock)


In calm weather

There is no us anywhere,

And the wind will blow

- We run along the water. (Waves)

Children really like riddles about the gifts of summer - berries, mushrooms, etc., as well as those natural phenomena that you can admire strictly in this season:

But someone important

On a white stalk.

He with a red hat,

On the hat of peas. (Amanita)


Beads of red hang

From the bushes look at us,

Very fond of these beads

Children, birds and bears. (Raspberries)


Was green, small,

Then I became scarlet.

In the sun I blackened,

And now I'm ripe. (Cherry)