Retinopathy in diabetes mellitus

Long-term unsuccessful treatment of diabetes often provokes the appearance of other pathologies. One of the most serious is retinopathy, a disease that develops in diabetes mellitus. This process is a retinal injury, which is typical for 90% of all diabetics. Already from the age of 20, it is necessary to closely monitor your health, because the course of the disease is complicated by the fact that it is gradually formed, and therefore is detected already in severe stages.

What is retinopathy in diabetic patients?

This fairly common ailment is vascular, as its development leads to lesions of small and large vessels. This complication leads to a slow deterioration of visual functions, which can result in his complete loss. In 80% of diabetic patients, retinopathy is the cause of disability.

In type 1 diabetics, retinopathy develops much less frequently. The risk of complications increases only at pubertal age. At the same time, as the disease progresses, the probability of damage to visual functions increases.

Retinopathy in diabetes mellitus is usually manifested simultaneously with the attribution of type 2 disease. In such a situation, the main goal of all activities should be to stop the further spread of pathological processes in the organs of vision and control over such parameters of the state of health as:

Treatment of retinopathy in diabetes mellitus

The method of treatment depends on the extent to which the organs of vision are damaged. If retinopathy does not develop, the patient will only need to be observed by the eye doctor. In more severe cases resort to the use of medication, laser or surgical therapy.

Medications help strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolic processes, eliminate cholesterol deposits and hemorrhage in the retina. However, one must understand that such measures will not help to completely recover.

Laser coagulation allows to stop the process of vision loss by removing newly formed vessels and edema. As a rule, in order to achieve the desired effect, the operation is conducted in several courses. Vitrectomy is performed to replace the vitreous. The laser beam is used for moxibustion of vessels and sites of rupture of the retina.

Surgery is performed in patients with retinal detachment. Such manipulations allow you to return it to its place.