Proctitis - treatment

Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectal mucosa. This disease brings a lot of inconvenience to the patient, but timely and qualified treatment will help to quickly defeat this disease.

Treatment of proctitis

Proctitis treatment depends on the form of this ailment and its severity, but each patient should observe a special strict diet. It provides for:

  1. Full refusal of alcohol, fried, spicy and peppered dishes.
  2. Reduce to a minimum the use of any product that contains a large amount of fiber.
  3. The use of low-fat varieties of meat, soups on vegetable broth and lactic acid products.

Medication proctitis medication is carried out mainly with the help of antibiotics. They are necessary to suppress infection. Along with them, the patient is always prescribed and antibacterial drugs. If the patient is diagnosed with radiation proctitis, treatment should be performed with the help of Candles Corizol or Mesalacin. With radiation proctitis, mud treatment will help: therapeutic mud is applied to rectal tampons and segmental zones.

When proctitis should be performed and local therapy. It can be microclysters with a collargol or a solution of chamomile. When the inflammatory process subsides, it is worth continuing treatment with microclysters, but they should be oily. The patient also needs to take sedentary baths. They must be done with 0.01% solution of potassium permanganate. A warm shower on the perineum will not be superfluous either. He will relieve the pain in both acute and chronic proctitis.

Surgical intervention is necessary only in cases when the intestine forms scars and this causes its narrowing.

Proctitis treatment at home

Proctitis can be treated at home. With this inflammatory process, microclysters, which are performed before bedtime, help. The solution for them can be made from 15 ml of calendula infusion and 15 ml of a 3% solution of boric acid.

If the patient has an erosive proctitis, the treatment can be performed with the help of infusion from calendula. To cook it:

  1. 15 g of calendula flowers (dry) should be poured with boiling water.
  2. Steep the mixture for 45 minutes, then strain it.

Take this medication orally 20 ml three times a day. You can do with it and microclysters, but to do this, you need 10 ml of infusion in a quarter of a glass of water.

A good folk remedy for proctitis treatment is the infusion of field horsetail . It is best to take sedentary baths with him. For this:

  1. Half a glass of horsetail is poured into 1000 ml of boiling water.
  2. Insist the mixture for 10 minutes.
  3. Then it is filtered and poured into a bath.
  4. The treatment procedure should last 30 minutes.