What foods contain fats?

Fat is one of the essential components of a person's daily diet. However, not all of them and not in all quantities are equally useful. Let's figure out which foods contain fats, how they are divided and how much they can be consumed.

Where are the fats?

As you already know, fats are needed for our body for energy purposes. All fats are divided into saturated and unsaturated. These two species are completely different in terms of the degree of utility for a person. Foods that contain saturated fats are not so useful, since splitting by their use occurs only by 30%, which can not be said about the unsaturated form. The largest content of the first in fried meat, fast food , coconut and palm oils, fat.

Where do you keep animal fats?

Most often, animal fats are referred to as a saturated type. So, a lot of fat in chicken skin, fried meat, egg (yolk). However, not all products of animal origin have in their composition substances capable of spoiling the figure. For example, a lot of useful fat is contained in fish, especially marine, such as flounder, salmon, herring and so on. In small quantities, a very creamy and melted butter is very necessary, which can also be attributed to animal fats. No less useful are the fats contained in dairy and fermented milk products.

Vegetable fats

If we start to understand what the vegetable fat is, we can find out that its largest content in nuts (especially peanuts and cashews ) and vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, olive and others). Perhaps, only coconut oil and palm oil, which contain a lot of saturated fats, do not apply to vegetable oils.