Vegetarian Lasagna

Lasagna is a popular sophisticated and complex Italian dish with a dough base and stuffing. There are many different recipes for lasagna, including, and vegetarian.

Vegetarian lasagna with eggplant and spinach

Calculation for 4 servings.


For sauce:


Eggplant cut into small pieces and put in cold water for 15 minutes, then we throw it back to the colander. Let's warm up the vegetable oil in the saucepan and save the finely chopped onions. Add eggplant, stir and protect under the lid until cooked on low heat, stirring occasionally (30-40 minutes).

Defrost the spinach in a colander.

Prepare the sauce: melt the butter, add the milk, spicy ground red pepper and chopped garlic.

Lubricate the fat with a refractory form. Pour a little sauce and evenly distribute it on the bottom. Lay out the first layer of the dough plate, and on top - spinach mixed with ricotta, stewed eggplant and chopped tomatoes. Layer the dough, then - another layer of filling, and on top - again the dough. Pour sauce and place in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. Let's take out the form and sprinkle the lasagna with grated cheese. Let's make out basil leaves. Let's wait 5 minutes for the cheese to fuse.

We serve lasagna with light table wine.

Vegetarian lasagna with mushrooms



We'll peel the onions and cut them into a quarter of the rings. We will mushrooms and chop them fairly finely. We cut the pepper into strips.

Save the onions in a frying pan in oil, add the mushrooms. Fry for 10 minutes, then add the pepper and cook for another 8 minutes, stirring with a spatula. Cool and mix with cottage cheese. Strict vegetarians can eliminate cottage cheese or replace it with soy products.

We will heat the oven to an average temperature. Prepare the sauce. We mix the cream with the chopped garlic, slightly add, pepper (you can add other dried ground spices to taste).

Lay the layer of dough in a greased form. We put the filling on top, repeat the layers. The last layer is the dough . Pour the sauce and bake for 25-30 minutes, then sprinkle with grated cheese and decorate with greens at will.