Acute intestinal obstruction

Acute intestinal obstruction is a surgical disease that occurs due to the termination of the normal passage of stool or food lump in the intestine. Consequences of this ailment are the self-poisoning of the body by the products of decay, dehydration of the body, sepsis and peritonitis , therefore at the first manifestations of symptoms it is necessary to undergo treatment.

Classification of intestinal obstruction

Acute intestinal obstruction has a classification. There are types of this disease, such as:

Dynamic obstruction is paralytic and spastic, and mechanical obstruction can be strangulation (caused by strangulation, twisting, nodulation) and obturation (provoked by tumor obturation, foreign body). But most often in patients there is a mixed mechanical acute intestinal obstruction (adhesive or invagination).

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction

For this pathological condition, several symptoms are characteristic. First of all, pain and cramps in the abdomen are manifested. Painful sensations are constant and cramping. As a rule, their occurrence is not related to the ingestion of food. Attacks are sudden and repeated every 10-15 minutes, not having a specific localization. If at this stage of development of acute intestinal obstruction not to carry out diagnosis and not to identify the disease, the pain will become permanent, and then die down. In the paralytic type of the disease, the pain sensations are blunt and bursting.

The early symptoms of intestinal obstruction include stool and gas retention. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning of the disease or at the first stages of the disease, a chair may appear. In some cases, it is even multiple, with impurities of blood.

Bloody discharge often causes diagnostic errors, because they indicate dysentery. Therefore, with acute intestinal obstruction, it is best to perform an X-ray.

He will tell you that there is obstruction, and vomiting. It is multiple, uncontrollable and its severity depends on the location of the disease. At first, vomiting is always reflexive, but because of intoxication, it becomes central. Symptoms of obstruction are swelling and asymmetry of the abdomen.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction

Emergency care for acute intestinal obstruction is the urgent hospitalization of the patient. In no case is it possible before the arrival of a doctor:

  1. Take laxatives.
  2. Do a cleansing enema.
  3. Rinse the stomach.
  4. To use antispasmodics.

It is only possible to use a gas pipe.

Treatment of acute intestinal obstruction begins with surgical intervention. With the dynamic form of the disease, conservative therapy can be carried out, which includes the setting of a purifying and siphon enema, but in some cases the operation will still be necessary. Also, with acute intestinal obstruction, treatment implies compliance with a special diet during the postoperative period.

In the first 10-12 hours after the surgery, you can not even drink. After meals is carried out, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, that is, parenterally - first intravenously, and then through the probe. If there is an improvement in the condition, the patient can start eating sour-milk products and nutritional mixtures in a few days.

After the acute intestinal obstruction completely receded, the diet is weakened and the patient's diet can be diversified with liquid products, and eventually gradually expand the food with steam and steam products.