Why palms sweat?

One of the inalienable traditions in human society is a handshake. In addition, most of the contacts between people are done in a tactile way. But not every person is comfortable with the touch of his hands, and many are familiar with why - palms sweat. This problem affects not only the physical, but also psycho-emotional health, as it interferes with normal social interactions.

Why did they begin to sweat their palms?

The sudden appearance of the symptom in question can be associated with many factors. This condition in medicine is called general hyperhidrosis and is characterized by excessive work of sweat glands in certain areas of the body.

It is worth noting that the reasons for this problem can be quite harmless:

  1. High ambient temperature. Because of this, the body tries to compensate for overheating by intensifying sweating.
  2. Eating spicy food. Burning spices and dishes provoke an increase in internal temperature. As a result, blood circulation is accelerated and sweat is released.
  3. Unusual amount of exercise. With an increase in the number of exercises performed or approaches, metabolism is increased, the body gets rid of excess fluid.
  4. Intensive mental activity. Brainstorms are closely related to the work of the nervous system and blood circulation.

If you need to find out why palms often sweat, you need to pay attention to the food you eat, the climate and your lifestyle. In most cases, a simple correction of the diet, the amount of water being drunk and the level of both physical and mental loads, helps to solve the described problem.

Why do people constantly sweat their palms?

If the condition is observed systematically, there may be health problems or changes in the functioning of organs and systems. Women most often face this pathology in the following situations:

  1. The imbalance of vitamins in the body, especially vitamin D. The lack or excess of some substances provokes excessive sweating. This is associated with increased work of sweat glands in women during pregnancy.
  2. Endocrine diseases. The pituitary, thyroid and pancreas, as well as the adrenal cortex, are responsible for metabolic processes. Any violations in the work of these organs lead to changes in blood circulation and outflow of fluid.
  3. Stress and nervous disorders. Constant intensive loads are fraught with deterioration of the functions of the cardiovascular system and hyperhidrosis.

Why do the palms of your hands sweat so much?

Some people turn to specialists with a severe stage of the symptom in question. It is characterized by a constant round-the-clock release of droplets of sweat on the surface of the hands, sometimes accompanied by irritation and itching.

Palms sweat greatly for the following reasons:

  1. Genetic and congenital diseases of the immune system. In such cases, the internal thermoregulation of the body is disrupted and, as a consequence, the work of the sweat glands deviates from the norm.
  2. Diabetes. Often the disease is accompanied by obesity and impaired blood circulation in the extremities.
  3. Oncological diseases. Cancer and benign tumors, especially those that affect the endocrine system, always provoke sweating, especially at night.
  4. Vegeto-vascular dystonia. Refers to pathologies of blood circulation and water exchange processes.
  5. Hyperthyroidism. This is the endocrine disease of the thyroid gland.
  6. The onset of menopause. At this time, the hormonal background in the woman's body changes completely, which is accompanied by temporary circulatory disturbances and sweating.