Ringworm in dogs

Almost every one of us has a pet at home, and the protection of his health is considered one of the main concerns and responsibilities of a person. Unfortunately, our pets sometimes get sick. In the risk group, animals that regularly go out into the streets fall. One of the most common "external" ailments of animals is ringworm. Before treating ringworm in animals, you need to know what the disease is.

Ringworm is a contagious inflammatory disease that is associated with a violation of the pigmentation of a particular section of the skin and is characterized by hair loss, scaling and skin itching. The causative agent is Microsporum microscopic fungi. They successfully parasitize both the skin of the animal and the human skin. The incubation period of ringworm on average is 5-15 days.

How does ringworm in dogs look like?

Ringworm from the dog appears as a result of contact with the skin of the fungal spore when in contact with the carrier. Over time, the fungus grows in the epidermis, hair and hair follicles - the inflammatory process begins. There is a disturbance in the nutrition of the follicles, as a result of which hair begins to fall out. On the skin a crust is formed and, as a result, a bald spot with clear contours is produced.

The favorite places of ringworm are the head, ears, the base of the tail or the lower part of the paws.

Symptoms of Ringworm in Dogs

In order not to start the disease, one should constantly monitor the health of the pet and take care of it properly. Trichophytosis (another name for the disease) is usually manifested as follows: a slightly noticeable rash appears on the affected area, then the lesion area increases, a reddish crust forms on the skin and wool falls out. From under the crust can flow pus.

Perhaps, these symptoms do not always mean that the animal has contracted ringworm. Hair loss is characteristic of many other diseases. But if you observe all the above symptoms in the dog, then the probability that she has caught trichophytosis is 99%.

Sometimes the fungus can adapt so well to the host that it will not even manifest itself in any way. But the dog will still carry the disease and can infect other animals or humans.

Ringworm in dogs: treatment

A more accurate diagnosis of your pet will be put in a veterinary clinic. It is enough to pass a number of tests. It is better not to engage in self-treatment of the dog, because the animal may not be cured, but family members, especially children, will be infected.

How to treat ringworm in dogs, you will explain to any veterinarian, but you can use our advice.

Around the area of ​​the fungus, cut out all the wool by 1.5 -2 cm. Since this procedure you do yourself, take all the precautions so that the pathogen does not get on the skin. Struck the skin of an animal with mycozolone ointment or clotrimazole. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day. It is even more effective to smear the affected area with a 10% solution of salicylic acid and iodine a couple of times a day. Do not allow the dog to lick the medication.

If the disease is started, the animal is prescribed antibiotics. The most effective a means to combat trichophytosis is vaccination. "Polivak-TM" and "Mentawak" are considered effective vaccines. Well-established and vaccine "Vakderm". Introduce an animal vaccine intramuscularly and at home, the schedule should appoint a veterinarian. Most often the vaccination is done twice with an interval of 2 weeks.

When the dog becomes ill with ringworm, it is better to isolate it for the duration of treatment and wash all the habitats with bleach. In dogs with strong immunity, there is practically no chance of getting infected. To maintain the immunity of the dog, you need to feed it properly.