Cheese tofu - benefit

Cheese tofu is one of the main protein foods in many countries of the Asia-Pacific region (China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.). By the way tofu resembles soft milk cheeses of white color. Recently, tofu has become increasingly popular in many countries of the world.

The process of cooking tofu cheese, in a way, is similar to the process of getting cottage cheese from animal milk. Tofu is obtained as a result of coagulation of soy milk protein under the influence of various coagulants (thus, various varieties of tofu are obtained). The production of certain varieties of tofu is also of national and regional character and is traditional. After blocking tofu, as a rule, pressed.

Properties and ways of eating tofu cheese

Tofu does not have its own distinct taste, which causes its wide culinary use: this product is suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes (including desserts). Tofu is marinated, boiled, fried, baked, used for filling, added to soups and sauces.

The use of tofu

Cheese tofu - an excellent dietary vegetarian product, whose benefits are beyond doubt. Tofu contains high-quality vegetable protein (from 5.3 to 10.7%), many essential amino acids for the human body, valuable iron and calcium compounds, B vitamins. This product slows down the aging process, strengthens bone tissue, prevents oncological problems, has a beneficial effect on the digestive and excretory systems of the human body. Regular consumption of cheese tofu is especially useful when observing various diets for losing weight.

Using tofu cheese, do not worry about calories: the calorie content of this product is 73 kcal per 100 g.