Rinsing after tooth extraction for gum healing

Tooth extraction is a small, but surgical operation, after which an open wound remains in the oral cavity. Damage to the gum at removal can be very significant, and since it is impossible to provide complete sterility of the wound surface in the oral cavity, the healing can be delayed. Rinses are one of the remedies that are used to accelerate the healing of the gums after the extraction of the teeth, but their application has its own peculiarities.

Rinsing after tooth extraction

After removal of the tooth in the hole left after the operation, a blood clot forms. It protects the wound from infection and promotes the normal course of the healing process. The removal of such a clot usually leads to the development of an inflammatory process, up to a serious suppuration.

Therefore, in order for the healing process to proceed normally:

  1. The first two days after removing the tooth rinses are contraindicated. The maximum that is permissible is to rinse the mouth once with an antiseptic solution after ingestion.
  2. The next 2-3 days is not recommended for intensive rinsing. It is best to just put the healing solution in your mouth and hold it for a while.
  3. Rinse solutions should be at room temperature or slightly warm. Hot or cold liquids are contraindicated.
  4. Do not use caustic or irritating substances (alcohol-containing solutions, vinegar, soda, etc.) for rinsing.

Mouthwash after tooth extraction

Chlorinated preparations

These include:

All these products have a pronounced antiseptic and bacteriostatic effect, but with prolonged and frequent use can dry the mucosa. Of antiseptics of this category for mouth rinsing, including after tooth extraction, Chlorhexidine is most often used.

Furacilin solution

It has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

Herbal preparations

This category includes both pharmacy products (Chlorophyllipt, Novoimanin) and broths of various herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, nettle). Antiseptic effect in them is less pronounced, but they are harmless and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Drugs with antibiotic content

In this group:

Are indicated for use in those cases when the inflammatory process begins.