Succubus - who is it and how to protect yourself from a succubus?

Among the werewolves, vampires and other evil spirits, succubus and incubus stand alone; these demons feed on the sexual energy of their victims. The greatest danger in meeting with these beings are men and women who have devoted their lives to serving God.

Succubus - who is this?

In the Middle Ages, when people's lives depended heavily on the church, priests gave definitions to demonic beings. In their opinion, succubus is a demon in the female guise, seeking to seduce as many men as possible to absorb their sexual energies. In addition, the mere fact of seducing priests is pleasing to the devil, who controls seductive beings.

Succubus comes to his victims at the moment of physical and psychological weakness, when a man suffers from a long abstinence, begins to doubt the correctness of his decision to become a clergyman. In moments of the highest vulnerability, a succubus appears before him and the man is powerless to resist. In addition to the energy of sex, the demoness is also suited to the energy of other vivid feelings - jealousy, lust, and therefore she is interested in men, tormented by various experiences.

What does a succubus look like?

A seductive succubus is a demon in a female guise. Describe them differently, sometimes a succubus is a very attractive woman, sometimes a creature with a female body, horns and wings, sometimes a black cat . The demoness's body is always so attractive that no woman can compare to it. Therefore, and confront succubi, the men are almost unable to - neither priests nor ordinary mortals.

Are there any succubi?

Modern psychiatrists believe that succubus exists only in the fantasies of the victims. Long abstinence and suppression of sexual desires leads to the occurrence of realistic hallucinations - that's what doctors think. This version can be confirmed by the fact that only suicides and incubi (demons in the male guise) visited the priests and nuns who vowed celibacy. The refutation of the realistic version is that demons like succubus were described in the pre-Christian era, and now men who are completely unrelated to the church can suffer from them.

The first succubus the church calls Lilith - the wife of Adam , created before Eve from clay. Lilith did not obey her husband and was expelled by him, she is considered the mother of demons and spirits. In men, it draws vitality, while meeting women with it threatens infertility and other health problems. In ancient Greece succubus was the mistress of Zeus Lamia - a female snake, the Sumerians of this demon were called Lilita. In addition, there is a version that succubi after death can be women experiencing an irresistible passion for copulation.

What is a dangerous succubus?

To their victims succubi come at night in the image of insanely sexually attractive women. Virtually no man can resist a demon seducer. When copulating, the demoness absorbs the vital and sexual energies of the man, and the victim can only be saved in one way - by pushing the succubus to coitus. Seducing a man, a succubus can visit him until he "drinks" completely.

Even if the demoness leaves her victim alive, the man suffers greatly:

How to recognize a succubus?

Since the demonic entity can be well camouflaged, it is necessary to understand how to recognize the succubus. Sometimes female demons possess some atavisms (horns, tail, fangs) that can give them away. But the most correct sign is the ideal sexuality inherent in succubi. Demoness is able to translate all the secret sexual desires of a man - for her there are no moral prohibitions. Initiative in sex always comes from a succubus, and all of its beginnings fully meet the wishes of men. This behavior should alert the victim.

Variety of succubi

Among demonologists, it is believed that the essence of a succubus can have a higher or normal status. The supreme succubus is able to sense the presence of an ordinary demon and command it. With men, the highest succubus is not found for the absorption of energy, but for the birth of offspring. Only the essence of a higher level can appeal to the animal and, for masking, feed on ordinary human food. The supreme demoness possesses the strongest hypnotic abilities, and she receives energy from the environment.

How to trigger a succubus?

Risk personalities may wonder how to call a succubus to experience extraordinary sexual pleasure with a demoness. Such men should know that the challenge of a succubus is associated with a high risk - a demoness can harm her victim by drinking the energy of a man too quickly. If the caller is not interested in a succubus, the demonic entity may not appear. Follow the following rules:

  1. The succubus is summoned after a week's fasting and abstinence, so that a man has a sexual hunger, attractive to the demoness.
  2. In the evening, a man should put a mirror and a lighted candle next to his bed (not forgetting about fire safety), and falling asleep - call a succubus, ask him to appear.
  3. It is best during the call to use the name of the "first Eve" - ​​the depraved Lilith.

How to protect yourself from a succubus?

If you have a question how to protect yourself from a succubus, you need to study the experience of people successfully avoiding meetings with demonits. Conventional succubals are afraid of red color and silverware, but this does not frighten the higher individuals. A more effective method is self-restraint and control. If a man learns to keep his desires in check, he will not be interested in a succubus. In addition, it is advisable during the day to spill out sexual energy , but you need to do this with a woman, not masturbating.

How to get rid if the succubus has settled?

The victims of demoniacs often seek an answer to the question of how to get rid of a succubus. Servants of the church in this situation advise to pray and keep oneself in hand. As the succubus approaches, one should begin to read the prayer "Our Father". The harassment of the demonic entity must be stopped, repulsing it. The succubus quickly loses interest in the resisting victim, since it does not have the inflow of energy necessary for the existence of the demoness. Experts who study demons recommend the succubus victim to fall in love with an ordinary woman, and this will be the best defense.