Jam «Five minutes» from cowberry - recipe

All recipes of the "Pyatiminutka" jam, including those prepared from cowberries, are based on the same principle of preparation: fruit or berries are cooked in sugar syrup for 5 minutes, after which they cool for at least 6 hours and the procedure is repeated again . The number of such repetitions can vary depending on how much dense fruits you use. In the case of cranberries, the jam will be ready after 2-3 doses, while berries will retain density, taste and benefit.

Apple jam "Pyatiminutka" with cranberries for the winter

Apple jam, cooked with the addition of cranberries, becomes not only much brighter, but also more fragrant.



Lob slices of apples washed with cranberries and sugar. Leave the container with berries and fruits for a couple of hours, so they let the juice, and then place on low heat. Once the juice boils, cut five minutes, and after a while, remove the dishes from the fire and leave for 12 hours. Repeat the procedure again, adding spices, and after the final boiling, place the parison on well-washed, sterilized jars.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" from cranberries with apples turns very thick even without the addition of pectin powder, as apples are already rich in pectin, which leaves with prolonged digestion.

Jam from cowberry - recipe "Pyatiminutka" for the winter



Wash the cranberries of the cranberries into the enamelware layer by layer, pouring the berries with sugar. Leave the cowberry to let the juice for a couple of hours, and then place the dishes on medium heat. After boiling the liquid, cook the berries for 5 minutes. Remove the jam from the heat and leave for half a day. Then bring the workpiece to a boil again and lay the berries on clean jars.

If you have a multivark at your disposal, then you can repeat the entire cooking procedure with her participation. Berries with sugar are pressed for an hour, and then left for half an hour in the "Heating" mode. The berries, which have been saturated with syrup, are brought back to the boil and spread over sterile jars.

How to cook a jam "Pyatiminutka" from frozen lingonberries?

To cook a delicacy from cowberry it is possible even out of season, using the frozen berries as a basis. Since after defrosting the berries become brittle and easily absorb the syrup, one five-minute digestion will be enough.



Defrosted berries, place them in enameled dishes and sprinkle with sugar. Leave the cranberries for about half an hour, so that she can reach room temperature, start the juice and do not splinter during cooking. Put the jam on the fire and boil it to boil. Remove the foam from the surface and keep the treat on fire for another 5 minutes. Ready-made jam "Pyatiminutka" from cowberry is poured in sterile containers and immediately rolled.

If desired, to the base of berries, you can add spices like cinnamon, cloves, anise, vanilla pod, or strips of citrus peel. In addition, cranberries can be mixed with other berries, including frozen berries: currants, blueberries, cranberries, for example.