Exercises for the face from nasolabial folds

Mimic activity, health problems or age-related changes are accompanied by a deepening of the folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. To get rid of such wrinkles is rather difficult, especially with an anatomical predisposition to their formation. Therefore, beauticians recommend regular exercises for the face from nasolabial folds. Completely remove them with the help of gymnastics, of course, will not work, but it is quite realistic to smooth out.

Simple exercises against nasolabial folds

The described variant of strengthening the musculature of the face is suitable even for very busy women. Gymnastics can be done by doing household chores, taking a bath or shower, resting in front of the TV.

Exercises for removal of nasolabial folds:

  1. With the index fingers of both hands, slowly and with a push, hold up along the existing wrinkles starting from the corners of the mouth.
  2. Having reached the wings of the nose, outline your cheeks with your fingers (semicircle).
  3. Continuing to press on the skin, pull the fingers to the temples. Repeat all the above steps 30-40 times.
  4. Pull out the chin, lips as much as possible inside. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds, relax your mouth. Repeat 30-40 times.
  5. At the last hold of the lips, the forefinger tapping along the nasolabial wrinkles up and down, 10-20 times.

It is important to be engaged daily or at least every other day, for several months. Only regular gymnastics will provide noticeable and sustainable results.

Japanese exercises for smoothing nasolabial folds

Women with Asian facial features are not aging as clearly as the Slavs. For the most part, this is due to anatomical features. For the Slavic type, large cheeks are characteristic, which in youth look very attractive and seductive, but with the age they accelerate the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition, Asians regularly engage in special gymnastics for the face. For example, perform an exercise from nasolabial folds with a bottle lift. It allows you to strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and chin, smooth out wrinkles and correct the oval face. You just need to lift your lips (without using teeth) by raising a plastic bottle (0.5 l) standing on the table, filled with water by a third, and holding it horizontally.

Supplement the proposed exercise can be standard gymnastics - heavily inflate and deflate the cheeks, pull the lips forward, fold them with a tube, massage the nasolabial folds.