Rituals for the Trinity to marry

The Trinity is one of the most important holidays for Orthodox believers. It is believed that on this day the Holy Spirit descends to the earth, and also it is the day of the foundation of the church. On this day, you can conduct various rituals that allow you to change the situation in different areas, for example, many of the fair sex, is interested in what to do for the Trinity to get married. For many rituals it is customary to use flowers and plant branches, which on this day have special energy.

Before you figure out what unmarried people do for the Trinity , it's worth mentioning the rules for conducting such rituals. It is important to observe the sacrament, that is, no one should know about appeals to the Higher Powers for help. That is why it is necessary to conduct rituals and read conspiracies in solitude. You can not be distracted by anything, since there will be a power failure. The words of conspiracies should be pronounced as accurately as possible, without hesitation or permutations of words.

What should unmarried girls do for a Trinity?

Rite number 1 . Many lonely girls, dreaming of meeting a soul mate, turn to magic for help. The trinity is considered an ideal time, when the desired can become a reality, and the rituals will have a successful end. To meet your soul mate, you must begin the ritual about 12 pm the night before the Trinity. Take a bouquet of any wild flowers, weave a wreath from it and cross it three times. Read over it such words:

"In the field green girls are walking, picking flowers, wreaths weave and thrown into the water. The betrothed-mummer, you catch a wreath, give it to me, servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen".

After that, go to the nearest pond and throw a wreath at him to take it away. Immediately after this, go home and in no case turn around.

Rite number 2 . To attract a man you like, you can hold a simple ritual , for which you need to take a tablecloth off the table, behind which was celebrating the Trinity and hide it away. When a man first comes to visit, then make sure to lay this table with a tablecloth, and cover it with the other. It is believed that this way you can forever attract a man you like.

Rite number 3 . If you are interested, what rituals for the Trinity can be used to marry a loved one, then pay attention to this rite. Do not be afraid that the spell will have negative consequences, since the ritual refers to white magic. It is necessary to go to the morning service and at the first kneeling to take the scattered green grass from the floor with your left hand. Keep it throughout the entire service, and then, take it home. When leaving the temple, be sure to bow to all four sides. Houses of grass weave a wreath, which should be placed on the icon. Before going to sleep over the icon to finish the rite of the Trinity for marriage, say the following conspiracy:

"Without praying to lie down to sleep and not being crossed, Lord, forgive me, Christ. Under my head I put a wreath of holy herbs. As these herbs wreathed in a wreath-intertwined, so let the servant of God (name) around me slaves (name) curl-see how the wreath will wither and dry, so let it dry, he grieves for me, God's servant (name), food is not seizes, does not drink with drink, does not fathom the gulp; at a feast he or at conversation, in a field he or in the house - I would not descend or go from its or his mind-reason. Be my words, they are strong and shaping, stronger than stone and bulat, sharp knife and borzo spear. And the key to my words and affirmation, and the fortress is strong, and the force is strong in the heavenly heights, and the castle is in the depths of the sea. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

After that, put the crowned wreath under your own pillow.

Signs of the Trinity to marry

A lot of superstitions about personal life are also connected with this holy holiday. Since ancient times it is believed that if a lonely girl or the guy could not meet a worthy companion of life on the Trinity, then they have to be alone all summer. On this holiday it is also customary to monitor people who enter the house. It was believed that if a man entered and stood on the threshold, then he can take away luck with himself and the lonely girls living in the house, will have to remain alone for seven years. On the Trinity in ancient times, mass festivities were organized and invited to dinner for guests. On the table there was always a loaf, as well as dishes of eggs, pies and kissel. From the loaf then they made crunches, which were added to the dough intended for the wedding cake, which would symbolize love and happiness.