Bug bites

It is sad to say, but from the bites of bed bugs no one is insured. Of course, residents of high-rise buildings face this problem less often than owners of private houses, but everyone should know how bugs look and how to treat them, everyone should.

How does a bug bite look like?

Different people have different reactions to bug bites. Some suffer from itchy wounds, while others will not even notice a bite. The Bedbug is an insect at night, and therefore it is almost impossible to catch a pest on a hot one. Often a person does not feel anything at the moment of a bite, and incomprehensible itchy pryshchiki become a real mystery in the morning.

Bites of bugs are very similar to mosquitoes - large red blisters. The only difference is the accuracy. The fact that bugs prefer to eat in one place. Therefore, most often the traces from the bite of these insects are collected in a group or path on a small part of the body.

The main symptoms of bug bites

If you have bugs, then the wounds on the body will appear with unenviable persistence - every night, to be precise. Reddened and constantly flaky scars and wounds deliver a lot of discomfort, and therefore get rid of bugs you need as soon as possible. Below we will tell you how to recognize bug bites.

  1. Bedbugs do not complicate their lives, but because they bite for open areas of the body: face, neck, arms, legs.
  2. Unlike mosquitoes, bug bites necessarily swell.
  3. Itching, caused by allergic reactions to the bug's saliva, is very strong and irritable.
  4. Bite sites strongly turn red. Redness lasts for several days, after which it begins to gradually subside.

Treatment of bites of bed bugs

If the bite does not bother, does not itch, does not blush, then you do not have any allergies to the bug's saliva, and accordingly, and no special treatment is required. More precisely, you do not even suspect that in your bed the insects have settled until you accidentally find them.

If the allergy to bedbugs you still have, then you can alleviate the unpleasant sensations with the help of ordinary warm water. Place the bite under the tap and hold for a few minutes. This, of course, bites bed bugs can not cure, but the inflammation and itching will effectively remove.

Bites bugs, like any other irritations, can not be combed. It is because of this that the infection gets into the wound. To weaken strong itch will help antiseptic lotion or ice. If you suffer from allergies, then there must be an antihistamine on duty in the house, which can also be effective when bitten by a bug.

To prevent infection, you can use the following tools (which is true, before smearing bites bugs, it would be nice to consult with a specialist):

  1. The Vietnamese asterisk is an ointment that should have been packed in every medicine cabinet. It reduces itching and relieves redness.
  2. Effective modern means - Ofloderm - ointment, which can be combined with the reception of antihistamines.
  3. Acryderm is an ointment containing antibiotics and rapidly relieving inflammation.
  4. Reduce itching by lubricating propolis bites.
  5. Another proven method is the use of the so-called chinchilla Tsindol.
  6. If the allergic reaction is quite strong, you can inject Gluconate Calcium and antihistamine Tavegil.

When infecting the wound, a turbid liquid of greenish color can ooze out of the bite. And if the infection of the bite did happen, the most effective way to treat bites is by a dermatologist. One must be prepared for the fact that serious long-term treatment may be required.