Why does the old house dream?

Night visions can tell about the future and the present, as well as reveal the secret corners of your soul, the main thing is to correctly decipher them.

What does your old house dream about?

You see the construction in which they spent their childhood - a good sign, which shows that dreams and desires can come true in the near future. About the old house you have bad memories, this is a sign that in your personal life there are serious problems that can lead to depression .

If you dream of an old house that is destroyed or decrepit, then in the future you will find protection that will help to cope with the bearing problems. The structure is collapsing - a symbol of health problems in the future with you or with relatives.

Why dream of other people's old houses?

This vision indicates that in reality in the future you will do a bad deed, which will disappoint others. Therefore, properly analyze your plans, maybe some act does not correspond to moral norms and offends others. The old house in your dream literally collapses before your eyes - this is a bad sign. Perhaps you will be ill in the future or serious problems await you in your work and affairs. Dreams of an old house, but it is strong - a symbol that you will manage to avoid all problems. At this time it is recommended to monitor health well and be cautious in business.

In a dream you buy an old house, in which it is very comfortable - a good sign, which symbolizes well-being in personal and financial spheres. If the house that you buy falls apart - a bad sign that may pose a health problem or with material well-being.

What does the old grandmother's house dream about?

In a dream, you pass by the building - a sign that you do not have enough warmth and support. Such a dream can simply be a consequence of nostalgia for the past, in which you were happy.